Chapter Two

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"There is no competition of sounds between a nightingale and a violin." 
― Dejan Stojanovic

"Fuck, that was close." said the blonde while he leaned to the cold wall. His face was still in shock.

"Won't he follow us?"

"Don't worry, from these secret tunnels not only the employees knowing about. And that man definitely doesn't work here! What does he want here?!" He groaned and sat down to the floor. "Why do you wanted to talk with my father?" he looked up at the boy, who was a bit dazed. Bam shook his head then sat down beside him.

"Well, the story is a bit long, but let's short it. Someone's last wish was to bring this violin case to your father." he said, the other looked at the case full of interest.

"This old case? It doesn't look special at all." he hummed. "Did you open it?"

"No, but it's probably empty..."

"Oh, but let's open it! Just for making sure! You know sometimes, people hide things in this type of cases." he then reached out his hand to open the case.

It was empty, as just Bam said, or at least there wasn't any important thing for the first look. The only one thing that was in there was a little slip of paper. Bam took it on his hand and read it, but it was messy and mindless. Just random numbers and letters.

"Maybe it's a secret code or something!" suggested the boy, he nodded. There was a possibility in it, then why would he want him to bring this to Mr. Jahad? Not to mention that there should be something why he was injured. Probably someone wanted to took away from him the case. "What do you want to do now?" the blonde asked, Bam started to think There wasn't so many things to do, he didn't want to get involved in it, but he also wanted to complete that man's last wish, not to mention that he was really curious. The best would be if he took it to his master, maybe he will know what they should do it. But the boy beside him was another problem. Would he be in trouble? That man was definitely ready to shoot both of them to death.

"Well, I think that I'll bring it to my master, he will know what to do."

"Sure. Umm, maybe can I go with you?" he asked while stretching the back of his neck.

"Of course, I wanted to suggest it after all. Maybe your life is in danger if you stay here."

"Then we decided it! Come, I show you were is the exit. Oh, and I'm Ja Wangnan. "he reached out his hand, Bam took it and shook it.

"I'm Jue Viole Grace"

Jinsung Ha was not happy, he was definitely angry, even though he tried to hide it and Ja Wangnan was freaking out, he started to protest that there wasn't any word that his master is that man. Bam tried to calm the both of them down, but it just got worser when Karaka entered the room too.

"Viole, you little piece of shit! Where the hell you were?! Why you didn't take your test?" for first he didn't recognize their quest, just when it was already late. He whetted his throat.

"Viole is about to explain it, right?" said Jinsung while, he leaned back to the couch and crossed his arms.

"I-I can explain it!" and then he told them the whole story, just from that he got attacked by a girl, then his met with that man, and for last, that he almost got shoot into his head alongside Wangnan. He told to them every little details.

"Geez, you really could be killed. Next time think before you act! Also, first ask us!" Jinsung sighed and took out a cigarette from his pocket. "You know, I'm not really happy that you went to that residence. Not only just because you could get killed, but also because I never really told before, but Jahad is some kind of enemy for us." Bam just blinked, he didn't understand what are he talking about, yes, they were a part of the local Mafia, FUG, but still.

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