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Disclaimer: Tree travel is inspired by the book Change. (TPN fanfic) 

The person getting shipped out is an oc.


"Sir, we have gotten a new subject."


"Not from the farms, sir. She is a... gift."

"Gift? Very well then." The unknown figure smiled cruelly, "Bring her along and put her in the first cell, I'll personally take care of her." 

"Yes sir." 


"Miss, where are we going?"  A small young girl asked, clutching her caretaker's hand tightly. There was no reply. 

"Aren't we going to see my parents?" The young girl persisted. She was only four and bubbling with excitement about finally seeing her parents, who had been on a far and long business trip, again.

"Quiet now, Y/N." The caretaker hushed, tugging the young girl harshly along. Y/N stumbled, almost falling if not for the caretaker. 

"But... You said-"

"Sir. She's here." The caretaker suddenly stopped, grabbing Y/N by the shoulders harshly. A bunch of weird men dressed in black walked out, staring at the small girl who cowered under their gazes.

"Very good. You may leave now." A man with a thick moustache nodded at the caretaker. He took a step forward, kneeling down and staring at Y/N. An eerie smirk made its way on the man's face. 

"Come along, little girl. We'll take you to your new home." 

The word 'home' seemed to relax the poor girl as Y/N smiled and nodded. She willingly followed when the man turned and walked down a dark path. 


"Sir, please. Let go!" Y/N yelped, her small arms flailing in fear as the man held her down. In his hand was a huge syringe. 

They had walked down the path in a tense silence, with Y/N looking about in curiosity. The man had taken her by surprise when he suddenly stopped and turned, his big hands choking the small girl. 

He had pushed her onto the ground before pulling out a syringe. 

"Be quiet now. We don't want to get caught, do we?"

Past forgotten (Haikyuu x TPN x F!Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now