🎉 Birthday 🎉 (SPECIAL) (Part 2)

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Hi! Sorry for the delay!



Y/N's POV:

The dining room was usually empty, the patterned curtains covered the window so the natural light from the sun was blocked and the whole room seemed to be thick with anticipation. The air in the room was cool as I slowly walked in, confused as to why Phil had asked me to go here. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!" I squeaked in surprise as the clothes on the windows were suddenly drawn off, flooding the room with the scintillating sun light. All the kids in the Grace Field House were gathered here in this room, smiling and wishing me happy birthday. 

I was astonished as I scanned the crowds of familiar faces, tearing up slightly. I thought they had no idea... 

"T-Thank you everyone! This means a lot to me..." I mumbled softly, wiping the small tear which had slipped out. A light shade of pink dusted my cheeks as I blushed from embarrassment.

"We even baked a cake with Mama's help!" Sherry giggled. I looked at Mama who carefully held a beautifully baked (Favourite Flavour) birthday cake. My smile widened as I shuffled my feet bashfully, averting my gaze to study the beautiful designs on the cake.

"Thank you..." I said once again. The room was already filled with the sweet and inviting aroma of the heavenly cake. 

"Come dear, make a wish and blow out the candles." Mama smiled as she set the cake down in front of me. Don pulled out the chair for me as I quickly sat down. 

"Make a wish Y/N!" Nalia squealed cutely. 

"Ok..." I closed my eyes and smiled contently. I wish that we will all live in Grace Field House happily! Forever!

I opened my eyes and with a puff of air, I blew out the candles. 

"Thank you everyone! I thought you guys didn't know." I smiled sheepishly as Mama took the mouth-watering cake to evenly spread it out. 

"We didn't." Emma admitted, "But I had a feeling today was something special seeing as how happy you were so I asked Mama! It turns out that it was your birthday. So we had to prepare stuff as fast as we could." 

"It was kind of rushed, to be honest. But it was worth it, seeing you smile." Norman said, his clear blue eyes closing softly. I looked down to the floor, face turning red as I felt my heart rate speed up. 

"Thank you... I really appreciate it..." 

"Y/N! Come! Here's your cake!" I looked over to see Connie carrying a big piece of delicately sliced cake in her hands. She stumbling a little so I tried to hurry over and take it before an accident happens.

Alas, I was too late. Connie stumbled over a piece of loose floor board. 

"Aaaah!" She yelped as the cake flew up into the air. We could all watch as the cake soared up and started falling down.






And into Ray's open palm as he carefully caught it. 

(Very unrealistic, I know.)

The whole room was silent, all looking at Ray as he slowly grew increasingly uncomfortable from the attention. He coughed a little, looking to the side before handing the cake over to me. 

"Uh... Here."

I took the cake, still unsure if I had seen what had happened correctly. Then, as if the room had finally caught on with what had happened, we erupted into cheers for Ray, clapping and laughing. 

"Thank you, Ray." I laughed as I watched Ray slowly back off and hid behind Norman and Emma, disliking the attention.

"Nice catch (🕯), Ray!" Emma laughed, slapping him on the back. (Not on the face, not yet) 

I smiled happily at them before I took a fork and cut a small piece off the cake. As soon as it touched my mouth, it seemed to melt. The flavour was rich and I felt as if I was in heaven. The (Favourite Flavour) filled my mouth richly. The cake was gone within mere seconds. 

"Did you like the cake?" A shy voice asked from beside me. I looked over to see Gilda. 

"Yes! I absolutely loved the cake, it's delicious! Did you bake it?" 

"Yes... I did. Thank you! I'm glad you like it!" Gilda grinned, her face radiating happiness. I smiled as well as I looked on around the room. 

Emma and Norman were busy teasing Ray as he rolled his eyes at the two. Don was playing with Connie as the small girl laughed, hugging Mr. Bunny closer. Anna, Net, Lanni and Thoma were off discussing something with Anna rolling her eyes at the boys. Jemima and the other kids were with Mama asking for seconds. I smiled contently, filled with happiness. 

"Thank you... Everyone, for the best birthday ever."

Love ya'll! Thanks for the support on this book! It means a lot <3

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