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Roshni’s pov


I wish that I could go back in time and change all the things I did, I was such a fool, I was so naïve that I could not understand his actual intentions, so mad that I let him play with me, and now she is fighting for her life because of me

I was so engrossed in thoughts while cursing me and my fate that I did not see shikha entering my hospital room

“roshni” shikha’s voice broke my chain of thoughts

“shikha how is she, is she out of danger, say something please”

Shikha’s pov

I hate myself , I hate myself that I could not save my roshni, my best friend from that man, I hate that I did not follow my instinct and let him hurt her, i surely warned her but i should have saved her somehow

I entered roshni’s hospital room and found her engrossed in her thoughts so I called her name softly

“shikha how is she, is she out of danger, say something please” she asked me with so much hope in her eyes and it broke me as that innocent girl’s health is actually deteriorating but how can I tell this to roshni, she will die hearing this

“roshni try to relax , the doctors are trying their best” I tried to make her understand but I know that I can never imagine what she is going though

“how can I relax shikha when she is dying and I cannot do anything, why shikha why, am I that bad, I am so helpless shikha so helpless why” she was crying at this stage I know I should console her but I felt anger hearing her

“you are helpless because you let him make you helpless, it us your fault roshni it is all your damn fault, I tried to make you understand but you, you chose to trust that fucking bastard, its all your fucking fault” I shouted “you know what…” my voice was cut by someone else

“roshni” there he stood at the door, that bastard after destroying roshni’s life he has the audacity to come here, I wish I could kill him with my bare hands I wish

Siddharth’s pov

I want to die, I deserve to die, I fucking don’t have a right to live, how could I how could I do this to her

Her innocent eyes, filled with tears still haunts me even after these months, she did not deserve this, my roshni did not deserve this and after knowing the truth of HER fighting for her life is killing me I don’t know what my roshni will do now I know she will be broken right now to see HER in that condition, and I know it is all because of me

But I know I have to face roshni and her anger, so here I am standing in front of her hospital room gathering some courage to face her

“you are helpless because you let him make you helpless, it us your fault roshni it is all your damn fault, I tried to make you understand but you, you chose to trust that fucking bastard, its all your fucking fault” I heard someone shouting from her room and I know it is shikha I am glad that she was always with roshni

I entered her room and called her name softly “roshni”


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And the most important thing our SidNi is coming back very soon with JAMAI 2.O season 2

Stay happy stay safe ank keep loving SidNi
(and girls dream about getting a boy like Siddharth😜😏)

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