PART - 7

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Don't kill me silent readers , here is the next chotu sa part but be proud of me atleast i updated after months 😅


After coming back to khurana mansion Sid saw Rohan sitting in his room
By looking at Siddharth’s face Rohan knew something was wrong with him, “What happened Sid , everything alright? You look disturbed” he was tensed about his plan and revenge “no Rohan nothing is right , me and and..” “what me and Sid say something” Rohan asked eagerly
“ Rohan , we kissed, me and roshni kissed” Rohan was shocked hearing Sid , he was scared for his plan now “what , how could you Sid , you know that how cunning that girl is , first she ruined me now she will ruin you Sid , i told you to be careful but you don’t listen to me” rohan said running a hand in his hair , suddenly a thought struck him “by any chance do you have a feeling for that girl Sid?” rohan’s voice was full of rage, “are you mad Rohan , i ...i...don...don’t have any feelings for rosh...roshni” Sid stuttered “but the way you are replying I think you do have Sid” rohan was hell angry now “you don’t know her Sid , she is using you just the way she used me , try to understand Sid i don’t want you to go through everything I went” he tried to sound concerned “ i know rohan , don’t worry rohan what all happened today was just nothing to me , i don’t like her any way” he tried to convince rohan or maybe himself

After this rohan was silent for another 10 mins thinking something deeply “ on a second thought, go with the flow Siddharth” rohan said with an evil smirk” “what do you mean rohan?” Sid asked confused “make her fall in your love Sid” Sid snapped his head in his direction “are you mad Rohan” Sid asked angrily “what the hell are you saying, our plan was only to expose her in front of everyone” “ exactly Sid and by doing the drama of love you can make her confess her crime , this is a great opportunity Sid we should grab it” rohan tried to make Sid understand “ see Sid once she starts to love you then it will be very easy for you to make her spill the beans, and after today i feel that roshni has some feelings for you so this is a great chance, think about it Sid , for me please” giving a hug to  Sid rohan went from there with an evil smirk and plan leaving Sid in dilemma

Roshni’s side

After Siddharth dropped her she went to her room and changed her clothes, the whole time their kiss was playing in her mind , but the way Sid left without saying anything was nagging her , the fact that she did not regret the kiss was a huge surprise for her while Siddharth’s ignorance was hurting her ' did he regret ' was the only question in her mind

“why, why am I not regretting it, why am I feeling hurt with Siddharth’s behaviour, do I have any kind of feelings for him? Why is it so complicated” with these thoughts she tried to sleep, point to be noted ‘tried to sleep’

Will disclose rohan and roshni's past in the next part , stay tuned and give bohot Sara pyaar❤️❤️

The one who likes and comments will find his soulmate jaldi jaldi 😁

And the sad part is that Ravi Dubey has given his statement in an interview that SidNi has ended, which means no Jamai 2.O season 3 😭😭😭

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