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Sid’s Pov

‘ roshni’ I entered her hospital room and called her name softly and both the girls moved their head towards me, shikhas eyes held hate and anger for me but roshni’s eyes which once held so much love and compassion for me were blank and I know that it is all because of me and my stupidity

‘ why the hell are you here you moron just get out' shikha’s rage filled voice boomed in the whole room but my focus was only on roshni and next when roshni moved her face away from mine in disgust and my heart sanked more

‘ please shikha I am just here to look at roshni once, i…’ I was cut in between a slap by shikha which I definitely deserved

‘ to meet roshni, what more damage do you want to cause her, enough mr Siddharth khurana just get the hell out of here' she yelled on me but I was not going to back off, I wanted to talk to roshni, for once,  I wanted to ask for her forgiveness which I know I will not get easily infact I don’t even think she is going to forgive me but still I wanted to ask her forgiveness

‘ roshni, roshni please I just…’ I was again cut in between but now by roshni’s voice

‘ enough mr Siddharth khurana, I don’t want to listen any thing, just go away’ she said calmy surprising me with her calm voice

‘ roshni, please' I asked pleading but yet again she moved her head

‘ fine roshni I will not talk to you till you are ready, I will just meet her and go' I started to go but stopped hearing roshni’s rage filled voice

‘ don’t you dare Mr Siddharth Khurana , don’t you dare to go near her, shikha just go to her room and make sure no one and I mean no one specially this guy don’t go near her' my heart scattered hearing her voice I wanted to plead but I know that she is not going to allow me to see her

I slowly left the hospital with tears in my eyes, I just wanted to see her once, I just wanted roshni’s forgiveness but I know that I don’t deserve it I know that I fucked up everything , I opened my car an went towards my home Khurana Mansion

My feets were not ready to leave the car and enter my house as I knew that my parents would have come to know about my deeds by know, somehow by gathering some courage I entered my house and was welcomed by a tight slap across my face by my father who had tears in his eyes

‘ how dare you step inside my house after all you did, what do you think of yourself just get out' my father’s hurt and rage filled voice scared my like hell

‘ sid' came my mom’s hoarse voice which shattered me

‘ why sid, this is what I taught you, you were my pride sid you were our pride but today after knowing your deeds I am just ashamed of infact I am ashamed of myself for giving birth to you’and at this moment I just wanted to die, I wanted to die seeing my parents who always loved me were now ashamed of me, I hurted every one first roshni who trusted me with everything she had then my parents who loved to no end I deserve to die I wish to die please god please kill me

' mom...' i was cut by a slap again but this time by my mom

‘ get out Siddharth just get out of my I disown, from now onwards I don’t have any son, you are dead for us just get the hell out’ saying this he held be by my shoulder and kicked me out of his house and the only thing I heard was my mom’s painful sobs

I don’t know where I am going my sight is getting blurred because of the tears which were unshed, a car came beside me and stopped but I was lost in the past…

Updated a chotu sa chp after forever only for the few people who said me and love this story while others dont even vote😅😅

Btw i am hating this rota hua Siddharth so will be going in the flashback in next part ( i don't no when it will be updated 😜) also count the number of slaps our hero got in this update😂

Keep loving our sidni and dream about a shirtless Siddharth😍😁

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