When little secrets become open-secret(part 1)

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Yu's pov

Because of memorizing some sweet memories and excessive back pain I couldn't sleep early..Now that my eyes opened all I could see that it was already 10.30 am..

"Gosh how could I sleep this late??"

After cursing myself a little I finished freshening up and changed my bandages.. The injuries are still bleeding a little.. I changed into something black and changed my sheet as it was marked with blood..After doing everything, I left my room..

When I reached the kitchen space I could see that Bobo and Zhanzhan were making something

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When I reached the kitchen space I could see that Bobo and Zhanzhan were making something.. I know my brother.. The only thing he can make is noodles and nothing else, when zhanzhan can cook almost every type of food..I went to the counter and sat on a chair.. They were silently making something together.. After a while i cleared my throat...

"Oh..Xiao yu...You woke up...How was your night???"

"It was nice, Yibo ge.."

"Xiao yu why don't you call me by the nickname you used to call me before..This yibo ge sounds kinda like stranger..."

"You know I can't call you that in public.."

"It's okay..You can call me that..I really miss you calling me by that nickname.."

"Okay then...I'll call you that..Now give me my breakfast if the dish you guys were making is for me.."

"Yeah..This dish is for you but you have to call me before I give you.."

"Bobo...Can you serve my breakfast?? I'm starving.."

"That's it...Now have this breakfast as your reward.."

We both started to laugh at our childish behaviour.. only then I noticed there is also another person present except us..Zhanzhan..He seemed quite shocked and awkward because of our acts...

He seemed quite shocked and awkward because of our acts

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"Ah..Bobo..I think Zhan ge is feeling traumatised watching us behaving weirdly.."

Now that I said Yibo got his conscious back and looked at Zhan who was now almost freezed to his position.. He then looked at Yibo and started to shake his head vigorously..

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