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Hours were spent cowering in the underground Subway station. Hostia was still in a bad condition, she needed antibiotics as the wound had become infected. Honestly, this wasn't the most sanitary of places for someone with a severe injury. Her toes had gone black and she kept crying at the loss of sensation in her feet. She was so strong, Fortis had never seen her cry before. It was heartbreaking and scary that he could lose his lifelong friend. Fortis watched over her day and night, even though the concept of time had been lost down there. He had wet towels ready to cool her down when she ran a fever, he changed her dressing regularly and he prayed to Primis. This may be weird to most, but he believed in Primis with all of his heart. Primis would save Hostia and everything would be okay. Maybe that was childish hope talking, but a miracle was needed. Fortis recalled the once agile, athletic girl who now lay broken on the floor. His soul ached for her as he realised her dreams had died with her leg. Flashbacks of her screams and his mother being reduced to ashes haunted him whenever he tried to sleep. This caused him to go days without rest, that and the aweful smell of body odour and death. No one had dared to leave but supplys from the small food courts underground were dwindling and everyone realised that this would mean someone would need to leave soon. Days after that horrible event and cries were still heard and people were still missing. This subway used to be packed of people coming and going, always moving with purpose. Now, it was just a sea of filthy, depressed people who hardly even had the energy to stand. People whom Fortis knew to be energetic and always cheerful would sit, their eyes absent of any signs of life. It was like nothing you could ever imagine. Eros tried to give Fortis company while he stayed with his friend and even though he had this massive crush on her, he didn't even know she was there. He was intoxicated with desparation for Hostia. Regardless, she'd stay with him. She had a book that she had brought with her called Watership Down that she read to Hostia. It was quite a graphic book to be reading in these times but Hostia was grateful for the escape regardless. Whenever there were moments Hostia wasn't sleeping or finding it difficult to talk, they spoke of dreams or anything that could give them an escape. Hostia was often delirious and spoke like nothing had happened, it was comforting at times.

One day, Fortis awoke from the little amount of sleep he could manage. Sweat dripped from his forehead and stains marked his already filthy school blouse. From beside him, he heard wheezing breaths. Hostia was in an even worse shape and it was made worse by the lack of dressings for her wound, she had the same dressing on for the third day and it was black and yellow coloured. Fortis sighed, he could no longer cry. It was as though his tear ducts had dried up completely. Eros had left to rejoin the school group as she needed a break. It was understandable.

"Dad" He heard Hostia say, her voice hoarse and desperate.

Fortis held her hand and somehow, courage flowed into him. Without even blinking, he stood and walked up the steps leading out of the Subway station. Behind him, the chatter and murmers halted. Everyone watched as he disappeared into the unknown, holding their breaths. Everyone but Eros. She ran after him, careful not to tread on anyone or trip over something.

No one muttered a word other than the whimper from Hostia "Dad."

Light cascaded down on the two pre-teens seeminly virgin eyes momentarily. This blink of light expressed normality and relief flooded Fortis. This was short lived though, as soon, dark clouds of smoke blocked the suns light. There were no fires too close, which indicated no Serpen. Fortis covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve, even though his sleeve didn't smell the best. He squinted to look past the ash that was being blown everywhere by the wind. All around was rubble, bodies and devistation. It was as though they were somewhere completely new. Nothing looked the same and this was very disorientating. Fortis looked at Eros, who was waiting for him to explain his plan. He didn't even have one unless you count, 'get supplies' as a plan. It wasn't very detailed at least. Talking was impossible unless you wanted to eat ashes so Fortis just walked and hoped Eros would follow closely so they wouldn't lose each other in the clouds of ash and smoke. Fortis may have been twelve but he had grown so much during the past few days. He could be an orphan for all he knows, so he's been forced to learn how to fend for himself. Half burnt bones and buildings crunched under their feet as they walked. It was in no direction in paticular, they just needed to find somewhere that wasn't completely destroyed. Passing bodies upon bodies, they just walked without a reaction. They were both desensatised to the crude surroundings. Even when they passed the decomposing body of one of their teachers, they just continued to trudge on. Death was a constant in their lives now. Eventually, the buildings were more and more in tact. Some random items were littering the floors. Nothing useful though.

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