Chapter Twenty

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"Have you gotten any letters back from the colleges you applied to?" Luke asked me while I was laying on his lap. We were watching tv and waiting for Michael to get here. We were supposed to meet the boys at the movies. They all had dates tonight. Needless to say Luke and I were interested in seeing this.

"Yea, out of the six I applied to. I've gotten four back."

" So not from your dream school?" Luke asked.

"No, haven't heard from them yet. What about you, any good news?"

"Yea," he shrugged. " I just don't know which one I really want to go to. I visited two colleges over summer and I'm going to one over spring break but," he let out a sigh. "I'm just scared I'll make the wrong decision."

I removed my head from Luke's lap to look at him. "Luke, sweetie, you're going to thrive anywhere you go. You're an excellent guy and you always work hard. You'll be fine, plus you'll always have me." I responded and he laughed. He gave me a light peck and pulled away but I wasn't having that. I foreced his lips back onto mine.

"Gwen, Michael will be here any minute." He said between kisses.

I pulled back, "I'm just making up for the time we lost when we were fighting." I playfully frowned.

"Don't give me that face," Luke said before pulling me in closer. I couldn't express in words how much I had missed his lips and how they felt against mine. I don't even know how long we were kissing for, until I heard Michael.

"Ughhhhh, you know I'm glad you two settled everything, but really?" Michael said, pretending to shield his eyes.

Luke chuckled as I rolled my eyes. Michael pulled me off of the couch, "Lets go, Calum is supposed to be hooking me up with some hot chick tonight."

Luke and I gave each other a look. "Just don't get drunk and the sleep with her like the last girl," Luke said. Michael gave him an offended look, "Too soon bro, too soon."


We watched the movie and about half way through, then realized that out of our group Luke and I were the only ones not sucking face. Luke whispered to me, "Ew, Calum's date looks like she's trying to give him CPR."

I giggled, "I know right, look at Michael. He can't find a place for his hands so he's like rubbing her. She's not a cat."

"Don't even get me started on Ash, like, grope much?" Luke raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want to make out?" I questioned.

"Not really," he answered. He looked as his other friends and made a disgusted face.

"Oh thank god," I let out a breath.

He looked back at me, "Well damn."

I chuckled lightly, "No, I just hate movie theater make outs, you know?"

He nodded in agreement, "I feel the same. I mean you're paying for a movie, might as well try to enjoy it."

I smiled, "Even though we're talking through this one." I stated.

He made a face a shrugged, "You're more interesting then this movie."

I made a face but then smiled, "Oh am I?"

"Oh yea, no doubt" he smiled back. "I mean if this was School of Rock, then this would be a different story."

"Oh you jerk," we couldn't help but laugh. We had gotten shushed a couple of times. We smiled and tried to stop laughing, facing our attention back to the movie and holding hands.

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