Old Memories

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Steve woke up the next morning on Joe's couch he sat up and looked around as Joe came into the room, " Wanna tell me why you called me last night instead of Cath" said Joe. " I told her that I was cheating on her and I think that I just lost the best thing that ever happened to me Joe" said Steve. " Then go get her back Steve don't sit around feeling sorry for yourself " said Joe. Steve looked at him, " It's not that simple Joe, Cath has want to take me back and plus I'm not the man that I was before " said Steve. " What does that mean Steve " said Joe. " Ever since I cheated on Cath it's like I've changed and I don't like who I've become Joe, I'm not the SEAL that I was" said Steve.  " And how do you plan on changing that Steve and prove to Cath that you are the man that you were when you married her" said Joe.  Steve looked at Joe, " I wanna get a SEAL Team together and do a mission or something " said Steve. " You got hurt yesterday and today you want to head on a SEAL mission" said Joe. " I've been hurt worse before Joe and I'm not asking you to I'm telling you to" said Steve, standing up. " I'll see what I can do" said Joe. " That's all that I needed to hear Joe " said Steve.

Paris looked down at the double lines on the pregancy test she couldn't believe it she was pregnant with Steve's baby and he had just dumped her to go back to his wife. Paris already had one son Declin out of a failed relationship and she didn't know what to do apart from to call Steve. As she did there was a knock on the front door, "Mom someone's at the door" said Declin, who was only six years old. " I heard" said Paris, putting the phone down. She went over and opened the door to see Cath, Paris knew of Cath but Cath hadn't known of her until yesterday. " What do you want" said Paris. " I just thought that we could talk" said Cath. " Now is not a good time" said Paris. " And all I want to do is talk nothing more" said Cath. Paris reluctantly let her in closing the door behind her. From what Cath could see as she looked around Paris had a few of her modeling and surfing photos on the walls but it was the one of her and what looked like to be her son that really raised a few questions with Cath that and the one of her with Alex and Malia as well. " So you have a son" said Cath. " Yeah his name is Declin and he's six years old" said Paris. " By looking around was his father a surfer " said Cath. " Yes his father is a surfer and so am I what's it to you" said Paris, going over to the kitchen bench. " Oh I just want to get know the women that my husband has been sleeping with" said Cath. " Well I think that it's time for you to leave " said Paris. " Just answer me this how did you and Steve get together " said Cath. " At Alex and Malia's place because she's my adopted sister" said Paris. " I did not know that and I should be going" said Cath, as she spotted the pregancy test on the bench. Once outside Cath felt as if her world was coming down around her since she now knew that Paris was having Steve's baby and not her.

As the rest of Five-O arrested the guy who had targeted them Steve arrived back home the same time as Cath did, "We need to talk Steve" said Cath. Steve followed her inside, "What's going on Cath" said Steve. " It seems as if your mistress is pregnant Steve" said Cath. Steve sat down he felt as if his head was spinning, " How I always used contraception Cath " said Steve. " You tell me Steve because I always imagined us having kids together " said Cath. " Well it's always possible that Paris has been seeing someone other than me" said Steve. " I talked to her Steve and I don't by it" said Cath. Steve found himself thinking of the first time that he had ever laid eyes on Cath, he was a Lieutenant and she was just an officer a few months from graduating from the Naval Academy. Steve and his SEAL Team were there on a week's training mission and he had first laid eyes on Cath in the gym there and that had been the start of their relationship but now all of that was going up in flames. " Steve are you in love with this woman " said Cath. " I don't know Cath" said Steve. " Then if you don't Steve this marriage was a mistake " said Cath. " Cath you have to understand I didn't mean for it to happen " said Steve. " But you did Steve and so why don't you go and be that happy family with her since you knocked her up" said Cath. " I love you Cath" said Steve. " I don't by it Steve not after you cheated on me " said Cath, as she walked out of the room and headed off upstairs. Steve pulled out his phone and called Paris, he arranged to meet her at her place.

Alex headed back into Five-O after they had arrested the person who had targeted them, " Joe what are you doing here " said Alex. " Steve came by in and we had a little chat" said Joe. " About what" said Alex, looking concerned. " He wants to go on another SEAL mission to get back to who he was before he cheated on Cath" said Joe. " Shit Joe he's not thinking straight " said Alex. " We've both known Steve for a long time and he's been through a lot but this is something different " said Joe.

" Then what do we do Joe" said Alex. " Talk to him Alex he'll listen to you" said Joe. " I'll drop by later on" said Alex.

Steve arrived at Paris's place he knocked on the door, she answered it letting him in Steve shut the door behind him. He could tell that Paris had been crying,

" Cath told me that you're pregnant " said Steve, as he stood next to the kitchen bench. " Yes Steve I am and I've raised Declin on my own so why not just do it all over again" said Paris, going over and sitting down on the couch. Steve followed her and sat down on the coffee table, "I'm not like Declin's father Paris I won't walk out on you" said Steve. " How am I meant to believe that Steve when yesterday you told me that we were over for the lack of a better word" said Paris. With his one good arm Steve pulled an envelope out of his pocket, " What's this" said Paris. " A few hours before we raided that building I went to see a lawyer Paris and I filed for divorce from Cath, I've signed my copy but I haven't yet told her or shown her" said Steve. " Then what was the whole break up speech about" said Paris,  looking at him. " I had to tell Cath the truth Paris and I needed a cover you have to understand that " said Steve. " Well I do now Steve but were does this leave us" said Paris. " I love you Paris and I want us to be together and not just because your pregnant either and I think that the medication that they gave me screwed with my head" said Steve. " It was either that or the fall Steve and I love you too " said Paris. " Probably " said Steve, as she put her hands on his face and kissed him. 

When Steve did get back home late in the afternoon he looked at his wedding ring and he took it off leaving it in his truck. Alex was waiting out front of the house as he walked up the front path, " Your a hard person to track down today Steve" said Alex, who was sitting at the table and chairs that were there. " Just setting things how they should be " said Steve. " Joe stopped by and told me everything " said Alex. " Well you can call him and tell him that I won't be going anymore " said Steve. " Uh sure, what's going on with you Steve because none of this is like you" said Alex. " I'm confused Alex or I at least thought I was" said Steve. Alex took out his phone, " You and Paris have well been together since last May and I still have the photos from that night Steve but the ones that make me smile the most are the ones of you two at Lion's first birthday and I guess what I'm trying to say is that Paris is good for you Steve unlike Cath who screws with your head" said Alex.  Steve looked at the photos, "I'm divorcing Cath and Paris is pregnant " said Steve. " Congrats on the baby Steve, so everything over the last forty eight hours has been so that Cath knows the truth before you get her to sign " said Alex. " Yeah and I signed mine on Friday before everything happened and I would have told her but being knocked unconscious changed how I was going to handle things, so I came up with this whole idea" said Steve. " So you and Paris are definitely together now" said Alex. " Yes we are" said Steve. Alex gave him a breif hug, " Let me know if you need anything Steve " said Alex. " Thanks brah" said Steve, as Alex left.

Steve found Cath sitting on the bed in the bedroom, " Where did you go Steve" said Cath, looking at him. " Out" said Steve. She notice that he didn't have on his wedding ring, " You went to see her didn't you Steve because you're not wearing your wedding ring" said Cath. " I had to Cath you know that" said Steve. " So you are the father" said Cath. " Yes I am Cath and weather you like it or not I am going to be there for my kid" said Steve, taking out the envelope and gave it to Cath.

Cath opened the envelope she couldn't believe what she was seeing, " Your divorcing me Steve but, I thought that you were breaking it off with her so why the fuck did you lie to me" said Cath. " I took a hard knock to the head Cath and I've been with Paris since last May and it's now March you do the math " said Steve. " And let me guess you already signed your own copy" said Cath. " Yes I did Cath and I'm sorry but I stopped loving you when I first saw Paris " said Steve. " Well I hope your happy Steve because you can get out" said Cath, signing the papers. Steve picked up his gun and badge before leaving.

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