[Love is War] Langris x Reader x ???

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This is a God! AU

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This is a God! AU.

Finral: Eros, God of Love

Langris: Anteros, God of Unrequited Love

(y/n): A nymph, daughter of Thetis

Kail Mursili II: Human, king of the Hittie Empire


Reader POV

I looked down at the harp before me, frowning. "How could someone treat such a beautiful instrument like this?"

"Now's not the time!" My mother Thetis said, grabbing my hand. "We must leave now!"

I looked up at the sky, seeing flashes of green and blue in the sky as the sons of Aphrodite fought.

For my hand, that is.

"Back down, Langris!" Finral (more commonly known as Eros) screamed.

"Never!" Langris (known as Anteros to the mortals) screamed back at him. "She's mine!"

"You can't force her to love you!"

I closed my eyes, tears dripping down my face.

"Please don't cry," Mother said to me in a soothing manner.

"How could I not?" I asked her, reopening my eyes to reveal distraught. "They're my closest friends. And I know Langris will kill Finral!"

"They will be punished for their misdeeds," Mother assured me as she took a few steps into the water, grabbing my hand. "Now, come. Poseiden awaits. He will protect us as his family."

I took one last look at the sky, seeing the colors clash.

Please, be safe.

I dove into the water, following my mother as we swam to safety in the darkest depths of the ocean.

Poseidon was waiting for us at the entrance, his mighty trident ready. "Is that everyone, Thetis?"

"It is, My Lord. Everyone is safe."

"And the mortals?"

"They are protected by their weapons." Mother held me close. "And she is safe."

"Good. But should they bring their fight to the sea..." Poseidon's blue eyes got dark. "I will not hesitate to destroy them, nevermind what their mother will say."

"And what about Lord Nozel?" I asked, worried for my blacksmith friend.

Though he was known as an ugly and lame god, he was the opposite.

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