Solid Silva x Yandere! Reader

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Requested by whitefields

And for anyone else, instead of updating this (and my other BC works), I've been writing intense yandere for Haikyuu please go read them?

Also, this oneshot is going to be really fucked up (if you read [Just Your Kohai] Yandere! Kageyama Tobio x Reader, [Dangerous Love] Yandere! Miya Atsumu x Reader, and [Not Flightless] Yandere! Hinata Shoyo x Reader, then you really understand how fucked up this is going to go). If you don't want to read very descriptive gore scenes, leave the oneshot.


Reader POV

I gripped the knife in my hands, an insane look in my face. "Solid~" I chirped as went down into the basement of the old (l/n) castle.

His sharp blue gaze followed me. "(y/n). Have you come to punish me?"

I nodded. "Hell yeah! I saw you talking to my sister. That bitch fucking deserves to die." I used my poison cloud magic to drop her onto the concrete floor. "And now you're going to watch me torture her!~"

He leaned forward in his chair. "Oh? Do please me, then I'll hurt you back."


Unlike most people, Solid and I both loved each other to a level that was extremely dangerous.

He would torture me, I would torture him.

Then we would take care of each other.

"Hey, I wish that bitch sister of yours was alive," I said to Solid as I placed the knife in the flames, heating it up. "I want to torture Nebra again for disgracing House (l/n) when my bastard of a father drove it to the ground."

Solid shrugged. "I think I kept some of her bones in the freezer area. Remind me later."

"Good." I twirled the knife around. "Are you ready?~" I crawled onto Solid's lap, pressing my lips to his.

He so badly wanted to just fuck me in front of my foolish younger sister who had a crush on him, but the binds restrained him from doing so.

"Just let me know if you really can't breathe. You remember our code word, right?"

He nodded. "Just kill the slut already."

I pushed the body of my younger sister, Helia, onto the medical table, grabbing the knife.

I ripped off her clothes and pressed her face-down onto the metal table.

Her screams were muffled, her eyes looking to Solid for help.

He was currently lost in the euphoria of my poison cloud.

I ripped off the Green Mantis cape from my body and hung it up.

As much as I didn't want to be part of that squad since my one and only true love was in the Silver Eagles, it was still better than nothing.

I couldn't afford to get blood on it.

"Don't look at him," I said as I moved in front of Helia and grabbed her face. "Now look into your older sister's eyes, you slut."

Helia didn't.

So as a result, I stabbed the hot knife into her eyes and twisted, until swiping the knife up and splitting them in half.

Helia's screams were getting louder.

I grabbed some vinegar, lemon juice, and salt from the side table.

Helia let out ear-piercing screams as I dumped the vinegar into the wounds along with lemon juice, rubbing salt all over her body.

"This is so fun!" I released Solid from my poison cloud and he looked high as fuck. "Solid, tell me. Do you even like Helia?"

He shook his head. "Hell no. She's nothing but a bitch. A little whore who needs to die."

I nodded. "Then how about you join me in killing her?"


I cut his binds and he slapped Helia's face.

I got behind my sister and cut a slit on her back, reaching in and grabbing her lungs, yanking them out as Solid used his water magic to cause her body to bloat up like a balloon.

He leaned close to her ear. "I never fucking loved you. You may be (l/n), but you will never be my (y/n)."

I grabbed the intestines out of Helia's body and wrapped the organ around her neck and tugged tightly at it, essentially choking her.

Solid ripped the gag from her mouth before placing a bubble of water around her head, drowning her.

Her blood seeped onto the floor as I stabbed deep into the wounds and ripping organ after organ out of her body.

I threw her lungs into the fire which turned into a raging inferno, cooking it.

Soon, her body was all gone.

I grabbed the corpse and shoved it into the fire as I ripped the clothes off Solid, both of us sexually frustrated.

"You were such a good pet," I cooed in his ear as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

He thrust up and caused me to moan. "Damn fucking right. Now it's my turn to have fun with you while that bitch cooks. What should we do with the ashes?~"

I bit his neck, giving him a deep blue hickey, blood seeping out. "I think we should throw it on Captain Jack Ripper's office. After all, we all know that he is in question due to the murder of your sisters."

Solid used his magic and made binds out of water, pressing me down onto the floor near the blood. "Yeah? Sounds like a plan."

I kicked him and flipped us over, bringing his face close to mine with the binds that broke when I applied enough force. "Oh, Solid. You should know you never win against me in bed. But maybe one of these days I'll let you top me."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Our lips connected one more, our moans filling the air that smelled like burning flesh, water, and blood.

At dinner, we served a beef stew to the people in the Green Mantis headquarters.

"Wow, this tastes so good!" A male named Adam said.

Oh, I'm glad you like the taste of my dead sister's body.

Solid exchanged a look with me. He was visiting briefly with his brother since Captain Nozel Silva had to speak to my captain regarding Helia's 'disappearance'.

Adam won't be living much longer.

The stupid brunette didn't seem to understand that I belonged to Solid Silva-and only Solid Silva.

Stupid bastard.


I hope you enjoyed!

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