The Commoner

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Hikaru and Karou were bored- not like that was anything new. They were waiting for Tamaki to arrive, so maybe they could play some joke and scare him out of his wits. But right now,

"I'm bored,"

"When's this meeting going to start?"

"I'm sure real soon!" The tiny peppy blonde exclaimed from across the room, "then we can have cake!!"

Kyuoya was typing something into his laptop. He looked up as the twins popped up on either side of him.

"So what are you looking at?"

"Just researching." Kyoya adjusted his glasses.

"wait- Hikaru, isn't that the girl in our class?"

"yeah, the one from the United States."

"why are you looking at her Kyoya?"

"I just saw her this morning, and I had no idea who she was, so naturally I decided to find out."

"Could've just asked her."

"Now where's the fun in that?" Kyoya responded with a devilish grin as Tamaki rushed into music room three with his signature hysterics.

"I think we need to do more cosplay, boys." He said with a dramatic wave of his hands.

"As I've said before we don't have the funds-"

"What about this weekend's auction?"

"Tamaki, if we had anymore cosplay meetings they wouldn't be so special."

"See Kyouya-  this is why you're vice president, you're so smart about these things."

The idiot, Kyoya thought silently to himself,

"guys, it's 4 o'clock- positions?" Karou stated

"positions!" Tamaki exclaimed, as they quickly surrounded the chair and the door eased open to find a boy (or rather girl) with a baggy shirt and glasses on the other side.

"Did you hear about the commoner?"

"I heard Tamaki drank some."

"I wish I could've made it."

"Do you think Haruhi would be a good host"

"I'd request him"

"That's crazy, an honors student- part of the host club?!"

Kristie tried to ignore all the chatter around her and read, but the events that transpired at the host club yesterday were of much to note- especially in class 1A, where the honors student in question attended class.

They all quieted down when Haruhi stepped into the classroom,

Finally, thought Kristie as she resumed her book,

This is odd, thought Haruhi, it's never this quiet.

"You look nice in the uniform, Haruhi." One girl piped up.


"we thought it would" the twins slipped in. Thats when everyone erupted into conversation again.

Kristie dug her face deeper into the book, but barely finished a page before the twins trapped her on either side,

"so we were wondering,"

"if you'd be coming to the host club anytime soon."

"sorry, places to go, people to see." She thought about Unit, and how awesome and accepting they were to her.

"aww come on, it's basically a right of passage."

"I think I'll be fine, thank you." Kristie replied with one of her best polite smiles.

"I think you'll give in,"


"Do you guys think that I'm that easily swayed." Immediately the set of twins went into host mode, Karou cupping Krisie's chin, and Hikaru breathing down her neck,

"Most girls would jump at the opportunity to get this much attention,"

"And we have one host in particular that may have his eye on you," Hikaru finished, much to the surprise of his brother, when he realized- Kyouya, Hikaru didn't think that Kyouya actually was looking into her for reasons other than business did he?

"Very funny, you two." Kristie replied, thinking she saw a bluff, which it very much could be, since no one there knew exactly what was ever happening in the youngest Ootari's head.

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