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for a moment time stood still. nobody spoke, nobody moved, nobody dared to breathe. jacob's deep brown eyes stayed latched on octavia who had turned bright red. she had no idea what the hell was going on at that point. everyone had eyes on her, including bella, she was piercing them into octavia's soul.

"emily?" octavia whispered, wanting her to explain the situation. emily couldn't say anything because the pack phased back into their human forms. their eyes kept darting between jacob and octavia. jacob was the last to phase back and he did not speak. instead he ran into the car, feeling feelings of shock, fear and disbelief.

the cullen's understood that practice for the day was over, so silently they left. bella had to be pulled by edward, who was feeling relieved. he thought that since jacob imprinted on sam's sister he would not have to deal with him constantly attempting to get with bella. for him, this was his ticket out of eternal misery.

the ride back to the reservation was in complete silence. octavia and jacob were in seperate cars so she couldn't ask him what was happening. everyone who was in octavia's car acted as if nothing happened. they didn't say anything, knowing it was not their place to tell her what they saw.

sam was distraught. he was in the car with seth, leah, emily and jacob. he could not believe that jacob had imprinted. stratch that. he could not believe who jacob had imprinted on. octavia. his sister. his sister who too new to the supernatural world. his sister who has never dated before, let alone kissed anyone. his sister who to him was still the dorky thirteen year old with braces, braided hair and overalls. there is no way this was happening.

when everyone had finally gotten home, they all quickly ran to their rooms. they wanted to avoid the conversation jacob was going to have with octavia. sam lingered around in the yard, wanting to see it go down but emily pulled him into their room. she wanted the future couple to have privacy to do this and whatever emily said goes so sam reluctantly followed.

"ava?" she turned around to see jacob, sitting at one of the picnic tables in the yard. she rushed to him and sat on the table, crossing her legs and looking at him concerned. she didn't say anything, expecting him to do all the talking. she was pretty surprised when he didn't. it wasn't like jacob to be at a lost for words.

"oh not you too jacob." she whined. octavia was definitely getting annoyed at the silent treatments and cold shoulder she was getting from everyone, "talk to me." he did not say anything at all, "did i do something wrong?" she whispered.

he grabbed her hands, not being able to look her in the face. as he tried to think of the words to say, he played with her fingers. after a while octavia pulled her hands back and tried to leave but he placed his hands on her waist, forcing her to stay.

"okay you're scaring me now jacob. let me go." she whispered and for the first time he looked her in the eyes.

"i imprinted."

"what are you talking about?" she asked. nothing was making sense at this point.

"i imprinted. you know? that moronic wolfy claim thing we spoke about." he replied.

"okay, so go and tell the person you imprinted on that you imprinted. i don't see what this has to do with me." she was so confused. why would jacob tell her and not the person he imprinted upon? what did this have to do with her? shouldn't he also tell bella?

he gave her an 'are you serious look?' and that's when it clicked. jacob had imprinted on octavia. her eyes widened. no way he imprinted on her. why not bella? he was in love with her. she could not believe this. does this mean jacob and her were destined forever? will they have children? she didn't even know if she wanted children!

"i know this seems crazy," he had no idea, "but when i saw it happen, i saw visions of us."

"doing what?"

"let me get to it," he smiled fondly and she blushed, "it was us. in the future, on the beach. and we were kissing." octavia covered her face with her hands, she was so embarrassed and shocked that her future was written out for her.

jacob's smile grew wider. he gently placed his hands on her wrists, moving the slowly away so he can see her face. "so what i'm guessing is that we'll have forever together. so i want you to know that no matter what happens, i will always be your jacob. any where you want me to be, i will be there in a heartbeat."

octavia felt her heart was beating like crazy. she could not stop smiling either. the two stared each other, happily. she had a few questions for him and he answered them all truthfully, devoted to her. once they had finished speaking, he walked her to her room like always.

at her door he asked, "am i allowed in?" he normally relaxed in her bed until she fell asleep, then he would make his way to his. tonight, octavia shook her head no. jacob pouted, feeling clingy.

"we'll have forever together right?" she reassured him and he nodded. he let go of her hand and was about to walk back to his room.

"jacob?" he turned around, "tomorrow we're going swimming. my treat." she had a cheeky grin plastered on her face. she leaned up, kissing his cheek softly before whispering goodnight in his ear then closing her door.

that girl was going to be the death of him.

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