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in the morning, octavia woke up alone. she assumed leah had walked off to have breakfast so she went to do this same. she was stopped by sam in billy's kitchen.

"what the hell happened last night?" he asked her as they sat down on the island.

"sam," she begun, clearly not wanting to tell him. yesterday was a blur and everytime she thought about it she felt her heart aching.

sam looked at her sadly, "please octavia. don't push me out, let me know what happened." he looked distraught and exhausted so she did.

she told him all about her date with jacob and how he would text other people, ignore her and make he feel like shit. she also told him about how he and bella would flirt in the garage.

"are you sure he imprinted on me?" octavia asked curiously, "if he imprinted on me he wouldn't hurt me like this and i'd be his number one."

"of course he imprinted on you, we all saw it. don't be silly."

"it doesn't feel like it." she sniffed, looking down at her hands.

"do you want to go back to texas?" sam questioned her.

"of course not." she frowned, she loved staying at the reservation even if she was hurting. getting to knwo her brother, paul, emily, leah, seth. she loved it and she would never want to let it go.

sam changed the topic. he started speaking about when octavia was going to start school. it was currently december break so she'd start in january. octavia was beyond over the moon. school was often her escape from the day and she loved it.

the two laughed and cracked jokes all morning. right when they both were about to go and find people to bother and play pranks on sam sniffed the air "a new scent." he mumbled, grabbing his phone and  going to call the cullens.

it was too late for that though because alice was already at their front door, "we have to go. now!" it was time for the battle.

it took the pack less than twenty minutes to get ready, discussing last minute battle strategies. seth was shitting himself. he was so nervous he could barely stay still. he insisted on fighting though, he had otherwise sam wouldn't let him ever.

emily and octavia, who were instructed to stay at the reservation, hugged everyone goodbye. octavia gave seth, leah, paul and sam a long hug, she knew they'd be fine but she was still nervous. jacob expected a hug as well, he was shocked when octavia gave him the cold shoulder.

"come on ava, please." he begged. octavia flushed red, extremely embarrassed that he would humiliate and practically gaslight her in front of everyone. her ears turned hot as he pleaded and eventually she gave in. she hugged him tightly, breathing in his smell and loving the warmth he radiated. her heart beat fast in her chest and she felt butterflies in her stomach.

after a reasonable amount of time she pulled away, "i'll see you later." she mumbled before the pack phased and made their was to the field where the fight would occur.

emily sympathetically smiled at octavia we smiled back weakly before returning to her room. she felt so embarrassed! how could she fall for jacob's silly little tricks. she was determinded to ignore him before the fight until he apologised and like a dumbass she hugged him back.

she was going crazy. how had she fallen for a guy this badly? how has she fallen this hard? how has she been hurt this bad? they weren't even official so octavia blamed herself. how could she be hurting like this? she knew what she was getting into when she started seeing him.

bella was his first love and it's hard to get rid of first loves. but jacob was her first love. she didn't know what to do.

she spent the whole day staring into space, just wondering how different life would be if she did not come to the reservation. of course she loved her brother and the pack, but her heart was aching. she did not like it and all she wanted to do was be with jacob. who wanted to be with bella.

why is life so unfair.

time flew by and before octavia knew it, it was night. she got up and stretched, annoyed she had wasted a whole day over a boy. she decided it was time for some food and got up. she ate in sam's kitchen, because he had the best food until she was interrupted by a teary eyed emily.

"emily whats wrong?" octavia was extremely concerned. who was hurt?

"jacob!" she gasped through her sobs, "he got hurt, trying to save bella."

octavia felt her whole world crashing. oh my god.

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