Chapter 7: Good Morning

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Continue reading now that I'm done freaking out a bit..


Will's POV:

I wake up around 3am. Then I realize, me and Bayani "made love" as so to say maybe only 12 hours ago.

I smiled and felt my cheeks turn hot at the thought. I slowly creeped out of bed, desperately trying not to wake the one I love. NINGA SKILLS I DID IT!

I throw on some boxers and sweats and take off downstairs to the kitchen where I poor a bowl of cereal.

I'm just sittin at the table, at 3:30 am, scrolling through my Twitter when Jordan comes and snakes his arms around my neck and kissing my cheek.

"Hey babe." He says, trying to take some of my cereal.

"Good morning love." I say making air quotes around the word morning.

"Last night was fun.." He says as he trails off.

"Yeah, it was the best time of my life." I tell Jordan, winking at him as I do so.

Jordan simply gets up, sits on my lap, and starts roughly kissing me. I realize he's still naked... Awkward...

"Babe, where are your pants...?" I ask curiously.

"Oh, they're still on the floor from last night, I didn't feel like putting on clothes." He chuckles as he says that. When he laughs, giggles, or chuckles I melt inside still...

"Well.. I guess..." I say sighing.

"What's wrong..?" Jordan chimes in.

"ITS YOUR TIME BUD!" I say as I pick him up and carry him to the bathroom. "FOR A SHOWER!" (You guys though this was going somewhere else.. Haha nope)

I sit him in the edge of the sink and start the shower..

"Shower with me?" He asks then does his puppy-dog face.



I'm sorry I don't update 24/7 school is hard okay! XD But anyways, I'm also sorry this is only one POV and is also rather short...

Will Will get in the shower with Jordan? Or not? Find out in the next chapter ;)


True Love?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora