PruHun~ Friends Forever

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Requested by StarShooter8

"Tag, you're it!"

"Nu-uh, you missed me!" Chibi-Hungary giggled.

Chibi-Prussia stopped running to pose victoriously. "I didn't miss you! I'm too AWESOME!"

While he was distracted, Hungary tackled him, laughing the whole time. "Ha-ha, I win!"

"Never! The awesome Prussia must win!" The said awesome Prussia, however, was pinned.

"I'll always win, so there!" Hungary blew a raspberry at him, which was promptly returned.

Then she rolled off of him, and the two chibis sat together in companionable silence for a while.

Hungary looked up at Prussia, a serious but happy expression covering her face. "We'll be friends forever, right?"

Prussia looked up at her, ecstatic that she wanted to be his friend forever. "Ja, of course."

~time skip~

Years later, Prussia and Hingary were grown up and attending high school. They were still friends, but seemed to have grown the tiniest bit more distant since Hungary started dating. Prussia had flirted with a few girls, but his heart was never in it. The one girl he loved, he could never bring himself to ask. He couldn't risk breaking his promise to her, from all those years ago. Hungary meant too much to him.

She was also taken; dating another guy. His name was Austria, and they'd been together almost three years now. Prussia knew; he had counted the days that were secretly making him miserable. But he never let it show through; never let anyone see through his cocky, obnoxious facade to how much he really cared about Hungary.

Prussia could dee them across the school's courtyard laughing and talking, holding hands the whole time. It sent a jolt of jealousy and sadness through his heart to look at them together, but he looked anyway. Hungary was always so happy with Austria, and that mattered more to Prussia than his own happiness. She would always mean more.

The couple was walking across the courtyard, toward a bench not far from where Prussia himself was standing. There was a small depression, a nook, in the wall of the school, just large enough for some to slip into and be easily overlooked. Austria and Hungary probably didn't even realize he was there when they sat down on the bench.

Austria did not put his arm around her shoulders, which he normally did, but rather kept both of his hands in his lap, with one still holding one of Hungary's she didn't seem to notice the change, since she just leaned against her boyfriend's shoulder anyways.

"You know, our three-year anniversary is coming up." Hungary sang, her voice slightly higher than normal with giddiness.

Austria didn't smile or turn to look at but, but instead took a deep breath and spoke very quietly. "I have something to tell you."

Hungary noticed his detached posture then, and the carefully emotionless tone of his voice. She sat up and looked at him expectantly.

"We... we can't be together anymore."

Hungary froze. From his position, Prussia could only see a small protion of her face, but it was enough to see the pain, shock, and heartbreak she suddenly felt. She scrambled for words, but could only ask, "Why?"

Austria looked at her then, a cold hardness in his eyes. :You're not a good fit for me, for the life I want. You and I will both be better off with someone else."

And then Austria stood up and began to walk away, leaving Hungary alone on the bench with tears streaming down her beautiful face. Prussia hurried to follow Austria, stopping him just outside of Hungary's hearing range.

"What the fuck was that?" Prussia whisper-yelled, though he wanted to scream and swear in Austria's face.

Austria looked at Prussia sadly. "What I said was mostly true, but I do love her. I knew that if I was harsh, she might be able to move on easier, rather than try to get me back. And I know how much she means to you, Prussia, so take care of her for me." Austria turned and walked away, leaving Prussia stunned, furious, and sympathetic all at once.

Prussia quickly walked away as well, going over to Hungary still sitting on the bench, frozen like a statue. He sat next to her, but turned his head toward so he could talk to her, though he spoke quietly. "Hungary? It's ma, your old friend Prussia. I heard everything. Do you want to talk about it?"

Hungary finally blinked, her eyes slowly coming into focus on him. She slowly shook her head no, back and forth, but replied with, "Why did he break up with me?"

Prussia hesitated, but told her, "He wanted you to have a chance to be happy with someone else, I think."

"But doesn't he love me? He always told me he loved me, but now he-" Hungary cut herself off as another tear rolled down her cheek.

Prussia reached up and swept the saltwater droplet away with his thumb. "He loved you, I promise. But he thinks it's best if you both move on from each other."

Hungary looked up at him, sadness and the tiniest bit of hope glistening in her eyes. "How? I just... I don't know-"

This time Prussia cut her off. "Shh. You'll be okay. You're awesome all by yourself."

Hungary rolled her eyes, but smiled just a little. "Thanks, Prussia. You've always been a good friend, even if you are annoying sometimes."

"Ja. That's what friends are for."

Hungary smiled a little, and leaned her head on Prussia's shoulder. He could feel the wetness of her earlier tears dampen the fabric of his shirt. Hungary whispered, "Just like the promise we made as kids. Friends forever."

"Ja." Prussia whispered back, glad that she would not ever have to see the sad smile that he wore. No matter what, he would not let anything come between their promised friendship. Not even his own love for her.

BTW, next in line is the request by imwithivan for her OC Alyssa and Ivan (Russia). If you don't know her character, then I highly recommend her fanfiction Love and Hetalia! My Hetalia and Love is a partner story to hers. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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