SkylerxToris (StarShooter8)

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This is the first ever one-shot I've written, so sorry that it's short and kinda crappy! Also, I know that they are both at least slightly OOC, so sorry for that, too.
OOC-ness factor: Skyler 25%-60% Toris 10%-40%

Skyler looked up into the pale blue sky, watching the large snowflakes gently fall to the ground. She shifted her fingers around her large to-go hot chocolate. It had whipped cream, but most of it had already dissolved into her tasty beverage. She looked back in front of her just in time to spot a familiar face farther along the path. Skyler smiled to herself, hurrying forward to catch up with the brunette man.

"Toris!" She called out. He swiftly turned, his green eyes scanning the park for the girl who had called his name. When his eyes met with Skyler's, he also broke into a large grin. They made their way toward each other, and as they drew nearer, Toris' smile grew ever more shy.

"Hey, Toris. How've you been?" Skyler was beaming from ear to ear, but tried to hide it by taking another sip of her hot chocolate.

"I've been alright. A little busy, though, to be honest." Toris looked around briefly, before spotting a snowy wooden bench to the side of the path. Gesturing to it, he asked, "Would you like to sit down?"

Skyler turned her head toward the bench, still smiling, and nodded. He walked over, with her behind him, and proceeded to brush off the snow to give them a clear space to sit. Skyler smiled at the back of his head as she waited for him.

When they sat down, both sat crookedly in order to partially face the other. Only then did he notice she wore no coat except for a thin windbreaker, despite the below-freezing temperatures. Startled, he examined her face with concern. "Aren't you cold?!"

Skyler giggled a little, but not loud enough that Toris would hear her. "I don't feel could very easily."

"Oh, okay. I just don't want you to get frostbite or hypothermia." He whispered, lowering his gaze with his cheeks burning.

Skyler tried to figure out if the redness in his cheeks was from the cold or if he was blushing, but she couldn't tell. "Thanks Toris. You're a good friend."

He looked up at her, the smallest smile still on his face. Skyler couldn't hear it, but he let out a disappointed sigh. He knew she didn't like him like that, so why did he let himself get his hopes up?

Skyler looked toward the clouds again to watch the snowflakes fall through the tree branches above their heads. However, tied to one of the branches, was a small little sprig of a plant that was only seen around Christmastime.

She tapped Toris' shoulder, and he looked at her face to see a growing blush on her cheeks. She pointed upward. "Is that what I think it is?"

Toris followed her gaze to look at the small twig with dark green leaves and little white berries. He held his breath when the name crossed his mind. Mistletoe. He lowered his gaze at the same time as Skyler, and found himself looking into her beautiful eyes. For a moment he got lost in the blue-green and amber depths of her irises, before she blinked and broke the spell. He wanted to kiss her, but he was scared she would get mad at him. He gathered his courage, still not sure if he would do it. She glanced upward again, and he took the chance to lean forward and press their lips together. He let his eyes close, hoping against hope she wouldn't pull back and slap him.

Skyler froze at the gentle touch of Toris' lips on hers. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she found herself melting into the kiss. Only moments later, Toris broke the contact, blushing furiously. Skyler frowned a little, surprising herself when she realized she wished the kiss had lasted a little longer.

"I like you, Skyler. I started falling for you the moment I met you." Toris blurted out.

Skyler sat in shock for a minute, wondering how she didn't figure it out sooner. Then she smiled, even though he couldn't see because he was staring intently at the ground. "I started falling for you, too, Toris."

His head jerked up to look at her so fast he probably got whiplash, but his expression was of pure surprised joy. "Really?"

Skyler nodded, giggling. A smile leaped across his entire face, shyness momentarily forgotten. But then his expression fell. "But I don't know what I do next. I've never really liked a girl, let alone one that liked me back."

Skyler blinked at him, a sly grin growing on her face. "Well," she started, glancing up at the mistletoe. "You could always kiss me again."

He blushed as she lowered his gaze to his. He hesitantly leaned forward again, and this time Skyler helped close the distance between their lips.

Hope you liked it StarShooter8! Thanks for my first request!! :)

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