ʜᴏᴛᴇʟ ᴋᴇʏs & ᴍʏsᴛᴇʀɪᴇs

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Madam Sage Brown, please hop aboard the S.S. Pogue." Sage heard a familiar voice call out through her open windows.

She popped up, and looked out of her bedroom window, and saw her friends headed her way on the Pogue. Sage smiled at her friends goofiness, and pulled open her bedroom door, and headed to the front.

"Jacob, I'm going out." Sage called out, throwing some shoes on her feet.

"Okay, be safe." He said, waving her off as he was engulfed in his textbooks. Sage headed out of the front door, and jogged down the dock meeting up with the boat.

"Hello malady, would you care to join us?" JJ asked in a horrible British accent.

"Shoot, would love to but I actually had plans to change my pillows. Gonna last all day." Sage said sarcastically, as everyone laughed. JJ held his hand out for her, and she grabbed it, stepping onto the boat.

"The hurricane really did a number on us, huh?" Sage asked, taking in the destruction around her. Tree's were uprooted into the water, buildings were torn apart, and there was no power on The Cut.

"No kidding. I bet Figure Eight looks like it hasn't been touched." JJ said with an eye roll.

"Beer?" John B offered.

"No, thanks." Sage said, sitting down next to Pope, who was driving the boat.

"I don't even know why you try, she doesn't drink." Kiara said, almost in a judgy tone. Sage held back her defensive comments, and leaned back into her seat looking out at the water.

She was an avid hater of alcohol. She had seen the way alcohol can make a person, including her mother, and she's always chosen to stay away from it.

"Just being gentlemanly." John B said with a shrug.

"Hey Pope, can you go a little faster?" JJ asked, standing on the bow of the boat.

"Oh god here we go again." John B groaned, making his way to the back of the boat.

"Kie, beer please." JJ said, holding his arm out. Kie handed him a beer, and he twisted the cap off.

JJ titled the beer up, and let the wind blow the beer into his mouth, well, he attempted to get it all in his mouth, but failed miserably.

"You're getting beer in my hair." Kie said with a laugh. Sage covered her face with her hands for protection.

"JJ, how many times are you gonna try that?" Sage asked with a chuckle.

"Well-" JJ started, but got cut off by the boat hitting something under the water harshly. JJ was sent flying off the boat, as everyone got thrown forward.

Sage's head harshly slammed into the throttle of the boat in front of her, and she groaned.

"Jesus, Pope." Kie said, as they all groaned in pain. Sage felt a warm liquid slide down the left side of her face, and she reached up, pressing her fingers to it.

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