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Pov. Niall

It was half past six and a loud ringtone noise ripped Niall out of his sleep. He groaned. It was way too early for phone calls. But he decided to pick it up anyways. „It could be important" he thought to himself.

„Yes hello, who is there?", his voice was sleepy and his eyes were still shut.
„Niall, here's Simon. I want to talk about the band.", came it out off his phone.
Nialls eyes widened abruptly and confusion run through his head. Why would he like to talk about the band? Simon hasn't contacted them since they left each other in the dressing room after their last show in 2015.

„Oh hi, yeah...Uhm yes, uh what exactly to you want to talk about?", his voice was still filled with confusion and mistrust.
Simon inhaled loudly and stopped for two second before he said something: „I want One Direction back together.", his voice was sharp and direct, „You have two days to decide and then I need an answer. I already spoke to Louis and Liam. Gonna call Harry and Zayn now."
„Hold on, stop it for a second...you want what?", Niall shook his head in disbelief.
„Like I said- I want One Direction back. As a band. Going on tours. Making new albums and so on", Simons sounded annoyed as if it was the sixth time he had told him this news.
„Uh yeah...I'm gonna think about it"
„Alright", was the last thing Niall heard before the well known beep tone penetrated his ears.

Niall thoughts were rambling through his head.
He had two days to decide and this was definitely not enough time. He loved being in the band, of course he did. It was the best time of his life and he regretted nothing and the others are still like his brothers but he's happy the way everything is right now. He didn't know if it's that what he wants...or at least what he wants at the moment.

He sighed and peeled himself out of his blanket and rubbed his face. This all was a bit too much so early in the morning. He needed to take a warm, comforting shower and a strong coffee before he could comprehend any of that.


The hot and strong coffee hit his body and he was fully awake now. The thought of One Direction never leaving his mind.
Then his phone rings again. A big „Lima" appeared on the screen and Niall didn't hesitate to pick up.

„Hey mate, how are ya?", he hasn't heard from Liam in quite a bit time but it never felt weird to talk to him.
„Hey Nialler, everything's alright. Bet you heard from Simon right? I don't know how to feel about this you know."
„Yeah I feel you. Quite a rush isn't it?", Niall was relieved that he wasn't the only one struggling with the decision.
„Exactly. I just come from the phone to Louis and he said he don't know really 'cause Harry and Zayn", Liam stopped for a second.

Louis relationship to both of them had been real messed up in the past years.
He and Harry once were in a loving relationship but it all fell apart when Simon decided to let Louis date a fake girlfriend. Eleanor Calder.
None of the boys liked her but Harry absolutely despised her. He didn't even dare to look at her.
They broke up after hours of arguing about this PR relationship. But after that neither of them were really okay.
And Zayn and Louis once were best friends but after Zayn left they got in many arguments and for Louis everything was over after Zayn didn't show up to his show after his mum passed away. It never really got better after that and by now they haven't speak to each other in years.

„Well I can understand him, but if we really come back they need to throw all that stuff behind them and go on in life. I mean Louis can't pay no attention to Harry for the rest of his life and the same for Zayn. There must be a way to make this work", Nialls thoughts just bubbled out of him.
„Exactly, wouldn't it be the best if we meet up before we decide everything? How about today evening?", Liam said with hope in his voice.
„You don't need to convince me bro.", Niall let out a laugh, „Let me call Harry and Zayn, they will probably hear me out. Do you try to convince Louis- this might take some time but you're the only one he listens to", Liam started laughing after Nialls perfect analysis of their tactic. And so they went on with their plan.

Later Liam texted him that he was able to convince Louis and they would meet up at 7pm at his place.
„Alright, gonna meet you there then. Harry and Zayn are up for it as well", was the text he sent Liam back.


AN: This is the first chapter and I really hope it's alright. I'm very sorry for grammar mistakes but I'm not a fluent English speaker hahsh

I hope you like it and you maybe will continue reading :)🤍

Written on: 24th of January 2021

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