I feel like I know you.

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I stumbled through the forest, the trees around me blurring together. There was no path for me to follow, no direction in my steps. I had no idea where I was going, only that I had to keep moving, keep running.

A growl from behind me made me glance over my shoulder and I almost cried out when I saw the giant gorilla gaining on me. It was only twenty metres away now, and going twice the speed I was going. I would be dead in a minute.

Spotting something off to my right, I tripped over roots towards it. It was a large stone building, obviously very old. The huge door was rusty from neglect and I had to throw my whole body weight onto it to push it open. Once I was inside I summoned all of my energy and pushed the door closed. I heard a loud crash as the gorilla connected with the closed door.

Not wanting to wait around and see if the gorilla could get through the door, I turned and half ran the other way. My head was slightly clearer but the wound just behind my ear was bleeding heavily, staining one side of my hair a dark red. I pressed a hand over it, trying anything to keep the blood contained.

The room grew darker as I continued, and I eventually ran smack into a wall. The pitch darkness slowed me down as I felt along the wall, hoping for anything that would help. My frantic fingers touched a bolt attached to the stone and I pulled it. Another door swung open, hitting a wall behind it with a crack.

Light flooded into the dark space and I blinked as I hurried through it. I was in the forest again, and when I looked behind me, I saw the gorilla still trying to get through the door I had pushed shut earlier. I smirked as it pawed the stones, and then I ran off, trying to put as much distance between me and it as possible.

I had only gone a few metres when my foot slammed down on a stick. The crack sounded loudly from under my feet, and I groaned as the gorilla turned my way.

"Crap." I groaned, turning and trying to sprint. Instantly, I tripped over a root and fell flat on my face. Sticks and small rocks dug into my face and I scrabbled in the dirt, trying to get up. The fall had muddled my mind and body, and I stayed down. A loud growl from behind me made me turn, and I yelled in fright when I saw the giant gorilla only five metres away.

It seemed to know that it had me. Slowly, one heavy step at a time, it approached to where I was lying on my back, pressed against the dirt. I made no attempt to move, knowing that it wouldn't do me any good. All I could do was watch, and hope that it would be over quickly.

A sudden loud yell from behind me made the gorilla pause. Someone ran infront of me, wielding two swords. Long brown hair tumbled down her back all the way to her waist, and I could see that she wore tough looking clothes, armour perhaps.

She approached the giant gorilla, showing no sign of fear. The gorilla growled and swiped at her, but she dodged back. I watched in awe as she seemed to almost dance. Her fighting was so flawless, so perfected that it looked effortless. She delivered blow after blow with her long swords, only recieving a few in return.

The gorilla was getting angrier and angrier, and eventually it seemed to have had enough. It stood up to its full height and swiped a paw at the woman. She ducked forward and the paw swung over her back. Irritated, the gorilla swung again. The woman leant back, it's paw sailing right where her head was a second ago.

As a result of missing her twice, the gorilla was slightly unbalanced. The woman struck, stabbing her sword deep into its stomach. The gorilla let out a long cry and fell to the ground, bleeding heavily. No one moved as the gorilla's eyes eventually grew glassy.

It was dead.

"Yu gonplei ste odon. (Your fight is over.)" The woman whispered to the gorilla. I frowned, sure that she wasn't speaking English. Then she turned to me.

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