My Heartbreaker

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Requested by @Juliahanna321

I watched, my face carrying a dead expression as Josephine taped the bright and colourful poster to the wall.

Senior prom night.

Until two weeks ago, I had been so excited for prom. I had a date, a dress, plans, everything.

But that had all crumbled into dust. My date had got bored of me, and he had cast me aside for a prettier girl. Now I was alone.

I glared at the poster as Josephine moved away. Someone bumped into my shoulder, and I looked up. I rolled my eyes and turned away, trying to act casual. If only she knew how much she made my heart flutter every time she looked at me...

But that could never happen.

Lexa Woods was the school heartbreaker, known for stringing girls along for a while before ripping out their hearts and grinding them to dust under her boots. I didn't want to be broken by her, no matter how much I liked her.

"Hey!" A tap on my shoulder. I turned back to see that Lexa was still there. She flicked her eyes up and down. "What's up princess?"

"Nothing." I mumbled, trying not to show how much it hurt that she called me princess. That was what Finn used to call me. She knew that.

"Come on." Lexa pulled my chin up with her fingers. My arms shot out, and I shoved her back a step.

"I am not going to be your next toy." I shot at her, before turning around and stalking away.

I went straight to my Art class, even though the bell hadn't rung yet. Ms Diyoza glanced up from her desk.

"Morning Clarke." She said as I pushed my bag under the table. "You're early." I just shrugged, not really wanting to explain. "Are you okay?"
"Can I take a stress lesson?" I asked.

"That bad?" She asked. I nodded. "Sure. Go for it."
"Thanks." I sighed.

Stress lessons were lessons where Ms Diyoza let us do anything we wanted. They were mostly used when someone really wasn't in the mood to conform to classwork.

The bell rang, and the classroom slowly filled up with my classmates as I pulled down a blank canvas and some paint and brushes.

"Hey Clarke." Octavia said as I returned to our table. She looked at what I carried in my arms. "Stress lesson?"

"Yeah." I smiled tiredly at her.

"What happened?" Raven asked. I set out the tubes of paint and reached behind me to grab a tray to put the paint on.

"Life." I shrugged.
"Fair enough." Raven groaned. "Did you see the prom posters up?" I nodded, focusing on squeezing the paint onto the tray.

"It sucks." Octavia piped up. "I don't have a date."
"None of us do." I pointed out. "But why not?" Octavia squirmed. "O?"

"Oh okay." She sighed. "I'm too scared to ask out the person I like."

"Do the already have a date?" Raven asked. Octavia shook her head. "Are they in this room?" A nod. "Do it right now."
"Yeah." I agreed. "Get it over with. Better to get rejected earlier, so you have more time to find a backup." Octavia shoved my shoulder.

"There's no backup." She protested. "Ugh okay. I'm going to do it."

"You go girl." Raven grinned.

"Good luck." I told her. Octavia nodded, and then she looked at Raven.

I grabbed a cup and filled it with water, placing it on the table. When Octavia still didn't move, I looked up.

"Well are you going to do it or..." I started to ask. Octavia cut me off.

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