The new family

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y / n pov

It's been 5 years since my father died, my mother had several boyfriends but never anything serious.

I work in the company that my father left me, after his death the company continued to get up in rank and I am for something, I devote all my time to this company, devote so much that I never dated someone or having much friends. my only friends are Lee Know and his boyfriend Han.


it's been a while since i noticed that my mother is more and more weird. I live in my own house and she has her, but we used to talk all the time. she comes home often but now nothing , she almost calls me and she doesn't come to see me either.

At the beginning I didn't really pay attention to it because of my work, but it's been 6 months and it's worries me a bit.

today I have big meetings, which doesn't really pleases me

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today I have big meetings, which doesn't really pleases me. I left for the last of the day when my phone started ringing. I look at the ID and it's my mother, I answer immediately.

(Y/n in bold.)
(Y/m mother in italic.)

"Yes mom?" I asked in hurry.

"honey I'm disturbing you, you look in a hurry?" She asks.

"no you don't mind but i have a meeting in 5 minutes so if you could go quick." I answer.

"oh yes of course, it's just to ask yourself if you could come to the ****** restaurant for 7pm?" She said.

"yes of course everything is fine?" I ask worry.

"yes don't worry, see you later honey." she hangs up.


I look at my watch and rush into the meeting room

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I look at my watch and rush into the meeting room. after 1 hour of meeting I finally go out. I looked at my watch it's 6:45 pm, I took my things and I left the office. I took my car and drove to the restaurant.

arrive in front of the restaurant, I enter and I look for my mother, when I see a hand waving to me. I walk towards her and I sit down in front of her.

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"why you ask me to come not that its does not please me on the contrary but it is until that it is rare." I ask.

"I would like to introduce you to someone but I will explain to you later when they will be there." she smiles at me.

"they? " I was wondering to myself, when I see my mother waving to someone I turn to see two men approaching us, one younger than the other. reaching our level, the older man sat next to my mother while the younger one next to me.

"y / n I present to you your new stepfather." Said my mother.

"hello y / n it's a pleasure, I've heard a lot about you." he smiles at me.

"similarly." I smiled back at him.

"i don't know anything about him. ”I say in my head.

"and I present to you my son jungkook." he finishes.

"nice to meet you y / n." Said Jungkook with a smirk in his face.

I nodded to him and we start to eat. the rest of the meal was very convivial, we were talking about everything and nothing when I noticed a hand on my thighs I looked up to see Jungkook smirking. 

I withdrew his hand from my thighs and pretended nothing had happened. how can such a handsome boy be my stepbrother i sighs.

The rest of the meal passed without acros well almost, I had to withdraw my half-brother's hand several times from my thighs, witch I didn't want my mother to notice it.

After the meal, we all went home. I took a long shower then I lay down on my bed and fell into a deep sleep.


To be continued

yeah like i said in the last episode post yesterday i will improve this story

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yeah like i said in the last episode post yesterday i will improve this story. 😉

any episode that contains "edited" has been edited. 😉

I hope you will enjoy this new story.❤

//my pervert stepbrother// Jungkook ff/18+/21+Where stories live. Discover now