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the alarm cut through the silence of my room.
"ugh!" i groaned and rolled over in my small dorm bed. my roommate, mads, chucked at me.
"come on you gotta get up, class starts in 30 minutes!"
i rolled out of bed and started getting ready. 20 minutes later i was heading to my first class of the day.
the day went by quickly and soon enough i was back in my room, finished with my classes for the day.
"i'm back!! anyone home?" i yelled as i unlocked the door.
"i'm here!" mads said, sticking her head past the desk that blocked my view of her.
the rest of the day flew by as well. i watched some youtube and some streams. mads and i got dinner later in the day. when we got back i realized i hadn't streamed in a few days.
"mads, i'm probably gonna stream in a few minutes if that's okay?" i asked
"yeah go for it!"
i grabbed my phone and sent out a quick tweet to let my followers know.

@.officiallex: streaming some beadwars in about 30 minutes! be there!! <3
💬 326         🔁 563       ❤️ 1.6k

i sat down at my desk and got everything ready. i pressed the start streaming button and waited for a few people to join before i began.
"hey hey everyone! how are you chat?!"
i had been streaming for about 20 minutes when my chat started going crazy.

@.twitchuser1: no way that's the real account!
@twitchuser2: WILBUR?!
@.twitchuser3: NO FUCKING WAY!

my mind was racing at 100 miles an hour at this point. wilbur soot? THE wilbur soot? there was no way. i was certain it wasn't the real account until a dono came through...

wilbur soot donated $100:
i'm helping out some smaller streamers today! keep up the hard work!!

"no way!! thank you so much wilbur! i'm such a huge fan this is an honor!" i laughed nervously.
no way this was actually happening. wilbur soot, the guy i'd been watching and (respectfully) simping for the past couple months is watching me stream right now?! and he just gave me 100 bucks?!

wilbur soot donated $15:
of course! have a great stream!

"MORE?! will you're too kind!"
my chat was going insane at this point. they were in as much disbelief as me.
i continued to play bedwars, trying to act as normal as possible. right before i was about to end the stream, i saw my phone light up out of the corner of my eye.

twitter: wilbur soot followed you back

now it was nearly impossible to keep my composure, but i managed to end the stream as normally as possible.
"alrighty, that's enough for today! i'll see y'all soon! thank you for coming!!"
my stream labs and twitch closed and my computer screen went black.
"WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!" i screamed, no longer able to hold it in.
mads laughed at me "what?! what happened?"
"wilbur, you know, the minecraft youtuber i love so much?"
"yeah, what about him?" she replied.
"he just was on my stream, and just followed me on twitter!" i squealed.
"no way lex, that's so freaking cool! you should hit him up!" she winked at me
"yeah right mads, very funny." i giggled and rolled my eyes at her.
we joked around about the possibilities for a few minutes and fell into fits of laughter.
"i just can't believe this all just happened!" i laughed.
"you've been obsessed with wilbur forever dude, i'm so happy for you!"
"thank you! but it's not like anything is gonna happen. i'm not expecting a thing." i sighed "although i wish i could."
mads grinned, "just text him! you never know what could happen!"
"alright, alright, fine i'll just DM him and thank him for the dono again"
"atta girl, go get him!"
"mads, quit!" i giggled "nothings going to happen! he's probably not even going to respond!"

@.officiallex: thanks again for the dono! it really helps more than you can imagine!

i locked my phone with a click. i changed into some PJs and hopped into my bed.
"mads, i cant deal with this anymore tonight!" i joked "i'm going to bed."
"alrighty, goodnight then"
the small dorm room went dark and i curled up into my covers.

A/N: hi all! this is my first fic EVER so i'm sorry if it sucks! i'll be updating when i can, no real schedule. thank you all in advance for any views/votes/comments <3

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