Chapter 21 Goldar finds out about the new team

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It's been a while since I have fought along side the others. I don't have the cast on my leg anymore but I still have to take it easy for a few more days. Mal and Ben have been helping them out in battles and I have been going out for a walk every now and then so that I don't get paranoid again. All of the kids have been helping the rangers out lately. I overheard them talking about being the next team of rangers. Somehow, Goldar found out about it. "Lord Zedd, Master Xandred, I think it's time. Tonight, we strike." Golder said. 🎶
Master Xandred: When you live in the netherworld it's better to make your own rules. Ask anyone outside of the earth. The circle of life is for fools. We go where we want when we want to and we don't take orders from anyone. That Ben can't give us a curfew.
Lord Zedd: Or tell us to stay on the moon.
Nighloks and space aliens: Tonight we strike, tonight we strike. No one's safe so the time is right. The circle of life is gonna feel our bite. Tonight we strike, tonight we strike.
Master Xandred: So before this new team is ready to defend the world from harm we'll make them all feel unsteady, we'll give them cause for alarm.
Nighloks and space aliens: Tonight we strike, tonight we strike. No one's safe so the time is right. The circle of life is gonna feel our bite. Tonight we strike, tonight we strike.
Master Xandred: Alright guys, bring it in, here's the plan. While you guys are fighting the new team I'll be fighting the rangers and when they're defeated earth will be ours.
Nighloks and space aliens: Tonight we strike tonight we strike. No one's safe so the time is right.
Master Xandred: Tonight we strike, nobody is safe.
Everyone: The circle of life is gonna feel our bite. Tonight we strike, tonight we strike.🎶
"Nighloks and space aliens arise and follow me. Those humans will never know what hit them." Master Xandred said. I was training by myself when the gap sensor went off. "A nighlok attack, now? It's too late for this shit." I said. Then Lauren ran out with the others and tossed my samuraizer to me. I caught it and turned to the rangers and the kids that are going to be the rangers when my friends and I step down from being power rangers. "Let's go guys!" I said. We ran into Master Xandred and the space aliens. They separated. "You guys handle the space aliens. The rangers and I will take care of Master Xandred." I said as I was facing the kids. Before we can get to Master Xandred we have to fight some moggers. "You guys still happy that you guys decided to become rangers?" I asked. "Are you kidding? This is the best thing that's ever happened to us." John said. "No place I'd rather be." Virginia said. "I guess I don't have to ask you all if you're ready for this then." I said. "Ariel, as long as you're here with us we're ready for anything." Joe said. "No matter what we're up against, we're in this together, all the way." Jane said. Then the moggers noticed us. "Looks like they spotted us." Virginia said. "Right, let's do this!" I said. "Go go samurai!" All of us said as we morphed. Then we all said "Samurai ranger, ready." Then we started to walk towards the moggers. Before we charged at them we said "Rangers together, samurai forever!" We started to fight the moggers. There were so many of them but I know that we can take them down. Then Master Xandred showed up. Master Xandred told us to meet our doom. "Take your best shot Master Xandred." I said. "Oh, we will." Master Xandred said. Then we had a formation that we have been practicing to use for this situation. The white spot on his chest is his only weak spot. "I may only get one chance to strike him there so I have to make it count. Super samurai mode! Get me close. Flanking positions." I said. "Virginia and George in front. Me and Jane in the rear. Ryan watch our backs." Joe said. "You got it!" Ryan said. "Jane and I will shield you, you just focus on hitting that one spot." Joe said. "It's time. Get me to Master Xandred, no matter what the cost." I said. Then we started to go towards Master Xandred. We had to fight some moggers to get past them. "This is my one chance to take him down." I said. After some moggers got destroyed. "All clear Ariel." Virginia said. "Go for it." George said. Then Master Xandred launched an attack on me and Joe and Jane took the hit for me. Then I used super spin sword. "My sister couldn't seal you, but I can still destroy you!" I said. I hit him in his weak spot but it wasn't enough. He told me that it wasn't a bad strategy but I can't destroy him that easily. I got thrown back. My friends asked me if I was okay. "I'm fine." I said. "You really thought that you could destroy me?" Master Xandred said. "This isn't over Master Xandred." I said. Then the shiba fire disk broke. "Your one chance of victory now lay shattered on the ground." Master Xandred said before using a move called nether wind. Then he used flames from the netherworld. It made us demorph and made us go down. "Well, I'm waiting. Beg me to spare you, you worthless rangers." Master Xandred said. "No matter what you do to us, we'll never bow to you." I said. "Even now, your spirit can't be broken. Perhaps you've just lacked the proper incentive. If you won't beg for yourselves then I'll capture the other red ranger and see if you'll beg to spare her." Master Xandred said before he started to walk away. "Lauren, no." I said realizing that he might just kill her anyway, even if my friends and I begged for Master Xandred to spare her. After a while I asked my friends if they can stand. "I was just taking a break." Ryan said. "Me too." Virginia said. "Samurai rangers never give up." Jane said. "For generations, our families have waited for this moment." John said. "What we do today, will be remembered forever." I said before we pulled out our swords and fought the moggers. Meanwhile at the shiba house Lauren was making another shiba fire disk. She gave it everything she had. Meanwhile on the battlefield the kids defeated the space aliens. And we destroyed the moggers. When Jacob gave me another shiba fire disk he told me that it can only be used one time. "One time, I'll be sure to not waste it." I said. Then we went back to the shiba house.

Ariel's awesome kids (sequel to Jayden's awesome younger sister)Where stories live. Discover now