Chapter 22 Ariel saves Lauren

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I walked into the shiba house and saw Lauren passed out on the floor. "Lauren!" I said as I ran over to her. I checked for a pulse and breathing. She had a pulse and she was breathing. John helped me to get her to her room. "I hope that she is going to be okay." I said. "I bet that everyone is hoping that she'll be okay." John said. "It's just, ever since Jayden died, I didn't want to lose her either. I don't know what I would do without her. She's the only person in my family that I have left." I said. "I know, but if Master Xandred does end up capturing her and seeing that you are begging him to spare her, you would do more than that." John said. "I would do whatever I can to save her, even if it means losing my life." I said. "You really care about her, don't you?" John asked. "Yeah." I said. The next day Lauren somehow met with Master Xandred. As she was looking through things Master Xandred walked up behind her. "Legend has it that this arrow was enchanted to always hit its mark." Master Xandred said. "No way, really? This place is so cool, though I did think that there would be more cauldrons." Lauren said. "Cauldrons are for amateurs." Master Xandred said. "Typical. My sister knows someone who had one but now that girl is dead so it's just sitting where she left it. You'll teach me to be as strong as she is, won't you?" Lauren asked. "Of course. Just step up to the sacred orchid and we can begin." Master Xandred said. Lauren walked up to the orchid. "Whoa, this looks, intense." Lauren said. "It is, but don't fret." Master Xandred said while pulling something out. "What's that?" Lauren asked. "This is a resurrection amulet. With it one can resurrect a soul that has not yet fully surrendered to the other side. Today you and I are going to use it to bring Decker back to the realm of the living." Master Xandred said. "I get to do a resurrection spell, awesome. So, what do I have to do?" Lauren said. "Just stand right where you are." Master Xandred said. "And die." Decker said. Lauren started to scream in pain. Back at the shiba house I heard that scream. I don't know how I was able to hear that but I knew that I had to go save her. John decided to come with me. Meanwhile back at where Master Xandred is trying to kill Lauren, "Why are you doing this to me? So, it's just a sacrifice. I thought that you were going to teach me." Lauren said. "Teach you, your milldiling ranger is best cursed with more ambition and talent. Decker is one of the most powerful nighloks out there. He's critical to my plans and the perfect choice for an alliance leader. And you get to restore him. Isn't that beautiful?" Master Xandred said. "Stop, my sister's life is not for sale!" I said as I walked up to him with John. "I already warned you nighlok, you wanna fight, I'll gladly give you one." John said. "You know I get you with the last test ranger." Master Xandred said. "Wait." I said as I stopped John in his tracks. I turn to Master Xandred. "Take me instead. I'll pay the price. Just let her go." I said. "You're aware that she wants nothing to do with you." Master Xandred said. "I don't care! I'm her sister!" I said before pulling Lauren away from what was hurting her. I walk into the center of the thing that was hurting her. "So be it." Master Xandred said. Then Master Xandred started to kill me. "No Ariel, this is my fault. I should pay the price." Lauren said. "Lauren, get out of here, now!" I said. "No!" Lauren yelled. "Live your life!" I said. "My life is nothing without you!" Lauren said. "I love you Lauren, don't ever forget that." I said. "I love you too Ariel, I'm so sorry." Lauren said. "Release her nighlok, I'm not going to let you separate a girl from her sister." John said. "Keep turning off my doorstep ranger then the girl will start to think that you are cool." Master Xandred said. Then Lauren pulled out a bow and arrow and shot one at Master Xandred and was ready to fire another one. That basically stopped Master Xandred from hurting me anymore. John grabbed the resurrection amulet. "I know what you're thinking, is the arrow really enchanted or am I just that good? Though I might just be a milldiling in which I seem to have a knack for the archery thing. Do you want to find out?" Lauren asked. Then Master Xandred disappeared. Then Lauren ran up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back. Then we let go of each other. "You were gonna risk your life for me? That's insane." Lauren said. "I am your sister, I would do whatever I can to save you." I said. "I'm so sorry for doubting you." Lauren said. "And I'm sorry for not trusting you but I will from now on." I said. "All I really want to do right now is to get out of here." Lauren said. "Yeah, good idea." I said as we walked out. When we got back to the shiba house I passed out due to what Master Xandred did to me. I was out for nine minutes. Not much happened. The next day I was training by myself when all of a sudden I passed out again. I was out for a few hours but slipped into a coma. A few days go by and Ben and Mal were wondering if I was ever going to wake up. Lauren stayed with me the whole time. "Hang on Ariel, you still have a family." Lauren said. Five days later I wake up. "Lauren? Is it really you?" I asked. "Yeah." Lauren said. Then we hugged each other. I don't know what I would do if she wasn't there for me. I don't want to lose her but one of these days, I might. "You shouldn't go fight Master Xandred without the rest of the team." Lauren said. "Yeah, I know." I said as I left. I went out for a run the next day.

Ariel's awesome kids (sequel to Jayden's awesome younger sister)Where stories live. Discover now