Chapter 20: The Perfect Day

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Mia's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining on my face next to an extremely unclothed Kol. I had quite the hangover, but as I started to get the memories back it all made sense.

"Hey." Kol said from beside me, his morning voice was hoarse and tired but yet amzingly sexy. "Hey." I smiled at him. Before last night, I had not realised how much I really missed him, but now I never wanted to let go of him, I was too afraid that he would just slip through my fingers again.

Kol and I just laid there looking at each other, neither of us wanting to get up. Eventually I decided it would probably be healthier if I left. "Well, I'm gonna go, Caroline is probably going to kill me for not texting her." Kol smile faded and I started to get out of the bed.

"You know you don't have to go. You can call Caroline, and you don't even need to leave the room." He tried to reason. "Yes, but if I stay, I will probably never leave." I said tried to locate my top.

"Yes, but that's the whole point." He said pulling me back on the bed just as I finished putting my top on. I wriggled in Kol's arms, trying to get free. But because he was stronger than me, he kept me pinned down.

I giggled as he held me down. I kept wriggling in his arms, protesting and giggling, for at least another couple of minutes, until I finally gave up. "You're never going to let me leave, are you?" I asked, giving up.

"Nope." He said, smirking at me. I smiled up at him, and he smiled down at me, and I never wanted this moment to change. Kol then brought his lips down to mine and kissed me softly.

For the rest of the day, we just sat in his room talking about life, except for one occasion when I left his room to get an apple from the kitchen and had an extremely awkward in counter with Rebekah.

It was like 10:30pm and I decide that it was best that I actually left. When I decided to leave it was 10:30 but by the time, I actually got in my car and drove away from the house it was closing in on 11:00.

It mostly took me 30mins to leave because Kol just kept grabbing me and pulling me back, but the fact that he decided to hide the rest of my clothes to slow me down, did contribute to it. Seriously though, it took me like 15mins to find my clothes, while Kol just sat in the corner and laughed at how frustrated I was getting.

It was nearly 11:25 when I got back to Caroline's. When I entered the house Caroline and Ava were in the living and Tom was out, I guess.

Caroline looked at me like she was studying me. "OMG. Mia Smith, you naughty girl." "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, slightly confused. "Well, nobody's seen you since you yesterday, and now when you do decided show up you look like a mess and you're in the same clothes as yesterday, which are like the massive signs of someone having some FUN." I still looked at her blankly.

"You and Kol, you know..." I still didn't get her hints. "OMG. Did you Kol have sex or not?" Ava yelled out, obviously frustrated that I was not understanding what caroline was saying. I mentally cursed at myself for not getting Caroline's obvious hints and then, my eyes widened, and I but my lip, which obviously told them everything, because they started to giggle uncontrollably.

The three of us stayed up of the night talking about girl stuff in Caroline's bed, which we all surprisingly fit in.

Today was a good day, I spent most of it with the love of life and then I spent most of the night with my best friends in the whole world. It felt like things were starting to get better and for once in a long while I went to sleep happy.

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