Chapter 13: An overwhelmig emptiness

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Mia's POV:

I had just walked into the house when I was suddenly brought into a bone crushing hug. "I'm so glad you're back." I heard Ava say, when she finally let go of me. "Yeah, it feels good to be back." I smiled at my best friend as she grabbed my bag from me and took me upstairs to our room.

"So what happened to Kol?" She asked when we entered the room and closed the door. "Who?" I had no idea who on earth this Kol guy was, maybe she'd gone insane.

"Kol, the guy you basically left us for." She clarified. "Oh. He was an asshole, don't know why I even liked him. It's over anyway, I came back to get settled in and with college starting in like a month I really just need to...uh... focus on myself." I explained and started unpacking.

"Mia, college isn't important when there's obviously something wrong with you." Once she said that I stopped unpacking and looked straight at her.

"There is nothing wrong with me." I hissed at her. "Yes there is. I know you've convinced yourself that you think Kol was an asshole, but I know that you loved him. The day you left, I saw the way you looked at him and I saw the way you looked at us. You weren't coming back, you said you would but I have been your best friend for nearly 12 years, I knew that you never wanted to go back. So until you accept that something is wrong, I won't be able to help you figure out what happened." With that said she stormed out of the room and left me alone with my thoughts.

I sat on my bed and took out my phone and unlocked it. My screensaver was a picture of me and some guy, he had deep brown eyes and was extremely handsome.

I then started to look through my photos and all I saw was so many of me and the man with the brown eyes. I then found a picture of us kissing, and I suddenly felt an emptiness around my heart.

Tears where streaming down my face as I looked at our happy faces on all the photos. I felt the anger well up inside me and I just threw my phone across the room, curled myself into a ball and cried for what seemed like hours.

I heard Ava come into the room, but I didn't look up, I just felt arms wrap around me. "What's wrong with me." I wept. "You just have a broken heart." She told me. "How can I have a broken heart if I don't even remember. That Monday I remember going back for my bag, and then blank. The Friday I remember getting to the bar and then blank. The next night is just blank. When I left I remember fighting with my parents but then blank. I don't remember him, I don't remember us, I don't remember any of it. Why don't I remember?" I asked and she simply said she didn't know.

I cried as Ava hugged me, when she finally told me to go to sleep, "We'll figure it out tomorrow, but for now you need to sleep. Night Mia." She said as I slowly drifted into sleep.


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