• Daisies - Joey jay •

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Here y'all go also can we just acknowledge the fineness like don't play with me like this 🥺
Anyways here the story 😚

I've always had a type in guys when dating. I mean who doesn't, but they were always the same successful, bland person. I stopped dating for a while after one of them broke my heart but all that changed after I met him.

He is the complete opposite of all the other guys. He's funny, loyal, and so chill. His name is Joey and we met at a Starbucks. We both had got a double chocolate chip Frappuccino (that's my actual order so feel free to try it it's really good) and bonded over that. We ended up exchanging numbers and we went on 2 dates. But he told me this 3rd one was gonna be extra special.

Put on something nice I'll be there at 5

Can you atleast tell me what to wear I don't wanna overdress!

Ok fine um something you wouldn't mind getting kinda dirty.

okay bye I'll see you then 🤍

I rummage through my closet and end up picking out a white floral romper with some strappy white heels and a pair of dangly daisy earrings. I paired the look with the usual cat eye and lipgloss.

You scroll through Twitter until 4:58 rolls around and he texts you that he's here. You rush downstairs and greet him in the car. He looked a little anxious but I just let it go since I was nervous too. We listened to music on the way and we arrived about 15 minutes later.

"Close your eyes" he says


"Because I want the location to be a surprise!"

I do as I'm told and close my eyes as he guided me out of the car and slowly walked up a steep hill I hear birds so I obviously have to be outside. We stop walking and I'm thinking I'm gonna get murdered horror movie style but no and he tells me to open my eyes.

In front of me was a big blanket with a bunch of fruits and snacks. It sat on a hill with a big field of flowers just ahead. He made us a whole picnic I could've cried on the spot but I just said

"Omg this is so sweet"

"Im glad you like it"

We stayed there for 2 hours just talking and  eating.When he started saying

"hey uh Y/N can I ask you something?"

" yeah of course"

"So I know we've been spending a lot of time together and I think your enjoying as much as I am. So I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?"


"I mean, yeah of course"


He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. We melted in eachothers presence like I had known him my whole life. The kiss was so loving yet gentle. It was like nothing could ruin this moment. We broke apart for air and just smiled at eachother and looked upon the white daisies together.

{523 words} hope you guys enjoy 🥺

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