• Overworked - Olivia lux •

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Sorryyy I will get to Euonia soon 🥲I've just been really conflicted with plots and storylines to go through but while I figure out my life crisis with that here's this ✨🌝 also I just made it an Olivia she/her one so ya

Y/N pov

Coming down to livs apartment was a daily routine at this point. We would text all day and then after I was done with work I would come down to her place and we would cuddle or our favorite was to watch old romcoms and cringe together at how weird they were. But today was different, the usual good morning texts with a bunch of cheerful emojis were replaced with dry sentences instead. I decided not to think about it too much and just move on so I did. The whole work day goes by and I start heading to Olivias. When I arrive and walk up to the door, shaking my keys in my hands nervously. I usually would never have such anxiety seeing liv but her odd behavior must have caused it.

I gather up the courage to knock softly on the door at the usual 5:45 pm and wait for that bright toothy smile I love on the other side. Instead I just hear a loud "come in!" from the other side of the door. I usually wouldn't be mad at that but I was a little sad with no greeting like usual. I do as she says and walk in, the place looking pretty unorganized to be honest. Not sure how in a day all this could change but the room didn't shine as much as it usually did the colors not flowing as well as they should and etc. I look around to see no one around but a faint noise of keyboard tapping. Opening the main office door I see my girlfriend, looking down at her computer not even acknowledging my presence. Her hair is flown out across her shoulders and she's wearing a cream colored hoodie.

The bags and dead look in her eyes tell me she hasn't slept much. "Liv, baby are you alright?" I say coming up behind her. She flinches a little but relaxes as I rub her shoulders. She nods and sighs as I run my hands along her soft shoulders feeling like I'm pulling all the built up stress out of her. I decide to let her work and hope she finishes soon but I like to have a little harmless fun with her.

"Liv.... liv.... oh Olivia!..... babe." I say playing with her hair and walking around her trying to get her attention the best I can. "Yes baby?" She says looking over her shoulder, hands still hovering over the keys. "Are you almost done? I want attentionnn" I say with a slight pout. She looks back at me with resting and tired seeming eyes, "soon I promise." She says turning her focus back to the screen. I frown at that and continue to convince her, "how about this? If you don't take a break right now no cuddles for a week." I say arms crossed. "You know you could never commit to that."

"Hmph" I say with a sarcastic eye roll. "Olivia.... Olivia... babes.... babyyy..bab-" OMG WHAT DO YOU NEED CAN'T YOU SEE IM A BIT BUSY HERE AT THE MOMENT." She says finally twisting fully towards me, her eyebrows arched and her eyes fully dilated in anger. I gasp a bit at this sudden mood change "I- I um didn't mean to upset you liv. I just wanted attention." I say looking at the floor, fidgeting my hands.

"WELL MAYBE IF YOU WEREN'T SO FOCUSED ON YOURSELF FOR ONCE YOU'D REALIZE HOW ANNOYING YOU CAN BE." She says standing up from her chair. I'm in complete shock she would say that. I've never seen this side of her it's not good I don't like this side at all. Those words hurt and by her wide eyes and hand over her mouth I think she knows how much it hurt too. Before she can say anything I storm out angry,sad, and confused on what just happened. This was my fault this happened, I shouldn't have pushed her like that when she was already overworked as it is. I'm not going back to her right now she needs time to cool down and I'm sure she feels bad that she yelled anyways.

Olivia pov
Im at lost for words right now I can't believe I just did that. I let the stress of this new project at work get to me and I took it out on y/n. I was gonna run after her after she stormed out but decided she's probably just as angry as I was so I would let her cool off. I've never done anything like this the whole time we've been dating I really hope I didn't scare her or she doesn't love me anymore. Oh no! I could have thrown this whole relationship out of the window because of this. I need to call her and fix this. My hands were shaking as I grabbed my phone and dialed her number.





No answer of course, she always answers but now I'm worried sick anything could have happened to her now because I didn't go after her. I feel so stupid I need to find out where she is, I can't lose her.

Right as I'm scrolling through my contacts list for her friends number I hear the apartment door open and the jingling of keys. I rush out to see who it is and it's y/n standing there still looking towards the ground and even a bit scared. Her e/c eyes filled with sadness and a glaze over them, "must of been crying" I thought to myself.

She could barely even meet my gaze but once she did, I broke down then and there. I ran to her, grabbing her waist and embracing as tight as I could even if she wanted to resist. She ended up hugging me back just as close burying her head into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry y/n. Please forgive me I didn't mean what I said." I said into her ear voice breaking slightly. She looks up from my shoulder into my eyes her e/c eyes twinkling as she forms a warm smile making me wanna hug her even more. "I forgive you baby I know you were just stressed." She says giving me a little peck on the lips. "Oh and I got you this" she says breaking the hug, she picks up a drink and hands it to me. "Hot chocolate your favorite" she says with a smile.

"I don't deserve you." I say taking the cup from her hands. "I love you" she says back, making me tear up a bit. She does still love me even after I did all that. I grab her face and give her a long kiss, I can feel her smile against my lips. I missed that smile and her laughter that just filled up a room. "How could I not love you" I say leaning my forehead onto hers. Grabbing her hands and intertwining them. "Now since I'm all yours now, what would you like to do?" Right after I say that her face brightens up and her little nose scrunches up. I wish I could wake up and see that everyday. 🧡

{1255} words
Purr also can we talk about Olivia at the finale like stunningg

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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