• Ice skating - denali •

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"I'm icy,spicy but for you I'm too pricy"
Chile anyways sorry I've been like gone for a bit I've been really unmotivated and just kinda out of ideas but I had this idea in drafts so I finished it.

"But Denali you know I'm gonna fall and what if I break something?" I say with a slight whine in my voice. "I promise I will catch you mhm kay. We can't have grandma breaking her hip or anything." He says with laughter in his voice.  "That's right insurance doesn't cover that." I say smirking back

Somehow Denali convinced me to come to one of his ice skating shows to try and teach me how to ice skate.It was around 30 minutes after the show so the crowds had cleared and it was just us and the smooth,cold ice rink. She was still in drag looking really cunt to be honest. She's just as hot in drag or out, maybe even a little more more actually😏. But this was really scary for me because I've not been known for my balanced grace. I trip over the dishwasher being left open or end up with scratches because I fell onto the pavement outside, tripping over air.

But she gives me a few shoulder squeezes before standing up and it calms me down instantly. Still a bit nervous she looks over and says "so are you ready to become the ultimate ice princess of all time babe." in a drunk valley girl voice. I giggle at that and nod, him pulling me through the gate and onto the ice. I immediately lose balance as soon as the skate's sharp blades hit the slippery ice, having Denali catch me from behind before I almost fall face first into the floor.

She looks up at me with concerned yet warm eyes and I can see what she's asking and I nod. She grabs my hand once again and leads me to the edge helping me just start out with balance. I walk around holding the edge of the wall tightly in my grasp while Denali skates right beside me every step of the way. After a little bit of me doing it pretty well I look over and smile softly causing her to smile back but like 10x brighter. Her dimples popping out and her shinny teeth blaring back at me make me feel all warm and cozy in a way ironically. "Yay, So you think you're ready for the big leagues now?" she says snapping me out of my daydream. "I guess so but I will definitely fall and almost break every bone in my body. I can see the news reports now." I say looking up at imaginary billboards making Denali laugh and roll her eyes. "I'll make sure to take care of you when you do that then babe."

She rather quickly pulls me into the middle of the long rink. I was looking at it from the outside but when you're actually in it it feels so majestic and relaxing. No wonder Denali likes this so much it's like a personal snow globe. "Alright I think the best way to do this is I'm gonna pull you around with me so you can get the hang of it then we can focus on actually moves." I nod and grasp her forearms tightly probably a little too tight but I was really nervous. She starts pulling me to the right side of the rink starting slow and speeding up as we got to the other. She kept her eyes locked on me the whole time making sure I was okay. I started getting dizzy already, I don't know how  she does that without falling over to be honest. She finally comes to a stop and lets me go, making me slide away a bit and her having to pull me me back. "mhm help" I say just above a whisper. "So how did that feel?" She asks pushing a strand of my hair behind my head. "Well it was okay I just got kinda dizzy." I said blushing and looking away
"Oh well you'll get used to it the more times you skate." saying it with a kind smile
"Okay." I nod before turning my eyes back to her.
"So now I think we should just try and get you to have like skating ability before we try any tricks and etc." she said before pulling me back towards the middle of the rink. We end up talking and giggling most of hour we had planned for practice only. At least I can decently skate now though! We end up packing everything up and driving home.

We arrive home and I quickly flop on the couch while Denali makes her way to the bathroom. I quickly take this opportunity to catch up on some shows I need to finish so I turn it on modern family and relax. 20 minutes later Denali finally comes out or now so Cordero in a white tee and gray comfy sweatpants, looking just as exhausted as me. He sits down and I smile at him, intertwining our hands. He finally speaks, "So was it fun?." He says clearing his throat. I pause for a moment before responding. "Yea it was pretty cool I just could never do it that good ever, so I give you big kudos." "Haha thank you love." Giving our still intertwined hands a light squeeze.

After a while of watching my eyes start to feel heavy and they keep fluttering in and out of sleep. I just lean my head down onto his lap, snuggling up against his chest and playing with the sleeves. He looks down and smiles, running his fingers through my hair and rubbing my back in gentle silence. He always touched me like I was that most fragile thing on earth like I was some glass vase that he was so scared of shattering. His hugs and cuddle were always the best and I think that's why. My eyes start to fully close and right before I drift off I hear that sweet voice whisper "god how did I get so lucky?"

{989 words}

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