You Are Made For Me

379 10 1

tw//alcohol, smut

Thick, grey smoke slithering through every corner obscured Geonhak's vision and its mind-numbing stench to which he was oddly accustomed stuffed his lungs.

For six out of seven days he would find himself behind the waist top marble, cleaning the alcohol lined sleek glasses and staring at the orange beacon of light which shone past all the hindrances of his workplace.

Hard times had bought him there. To drink and to work.

It was part-time at first, but he was quick to find a reason to prolong his work hours. Even giving up his morning job for a permanent position of a bartender at the dingy speakeasy.

The enthralling feeling of exclusivity aside, he got the chance of marvelling at the wonder that was Seoho.

He drove him nuts.

The first day as a patron, Geonhak was transfixed by his brilliantly shiny orange hair as the part-time singer at the speakeasy sat in his lap, their lips close enough to bump by accident.

It was him who had offered him to apply for a position there with a whisper near his ear, leaving him promptly with a lingering giggle.

And therefore, there he was; regularly staring at the elder who had his hands draped around some females' shoulder, displaying his charmingly hypnotising smile at them.

"Someone catch your eye, Geonhak?"

Youngjo stood behind him with his knowing look. The same one he had given him when he had applied for the job and when he asked to work full hours.

Seoho was their master income maker. That was his position. Lure people to spend.

One way or another.

He did not mind having to perform extra services to cash in the register.

"Huh? What- No- It's nothing."

On a hunt for a stirrer, Geonhak shifted around the counter while purposely trying to ignore Youngjo's perceptive gaze. Nobody could ever get past the older leading to him managing the entire place.

"The one with the pink streak looks nice, no?" Youngjo cooed on, his elbow rested on the dark marble which supported his chin, waiting patiently for Geonhak to resurface.

Unable to stall his time any further, Geonhak rose back up in defeat in front of his cat-like smile directing him towards the gathering with Seoho.

"Or have your eyes set for something more...warmer?"



The only one with autumn crowning his head amongst the blues, purples and pinks of winter.

Geonhak grunted a low snicker.

"Am I wrong...?" Youngjo prodded.

Tending to a customer's order, Geonhak got to work while still holding their silly little conversation. Back turned, his eyes darted to find the familiarised colours of the bottles and the sacred elixir being withheld.

"No way would I want to fuck him."

The clinking of the glass bottles and the heavy mumbles of their patrons rung in Geonhak's ears as he searched for the citrus component of triple sec liquere.

Youngjo displayed no subtlety in his coyness for he knew Geonhak had the hots for the seductively charming character that Lee Seoho.

"Yeah, I know. You are more of the romantic date guy."

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