Ambiguous You

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Geonhak was a mysterious guy.

He was well known amongst the department, but nobody actually knew him.

He was quiet and always kept to himself. The most interaction anybody got out of him was only work-related, whether it was sending a copy of last weeks sales or helping them sort out the budget, it did not extend into personal matters.

A cold and distant aura surrounded him, keeping everyone at bay. His true intention.

He would always reach the office at sharp eight-thirty, carry on with his work, go out alone for lunch, come back at his desk, work some more and would leave at six-thirty sharp with absolutely no social interaction. People around him had stopped asking if ever wanted to go out with them as a group or even to the annual office retreat knowing his rehearsed answer.

"I'm sorry, but I'll pass."

Talks would go around whether he was married or maybe divorced, not spotting him sporting a ring on his finger.

The coffee-room would always be alive with talks about him.

"Is he a mute?" A new employee would always end up asking and he would be answered with a grim shake from everybody, hearing his deep voice at least once.

"Maybe he's just insecure."

Geonhak would always see his colleagues huddled up, stealing glances at him, judging and analysing his every movement. At first, he was definitely annoyed by it but by now it was a daily passing. The world already judged him, so why not some more people?

But everything changed the day the new employee came.

Geonhak would not have even him a cursory glance. Just another passerby in his life, not necessary to get attached. His motto.

But the dark-haired individual had been given the desk right next to his.

He too would shift away from him, just like the previous one, he thought. They all did.


An extended hand.

He shifted his gaze away from the laptop screen to the bright-eyed individual, grinning widely.

He'll leave too.

"Lee Seoho."

Geonhak wasn't inhumane. He took hold of his hand giving him a firm shake, but transferring his cold touch to other, visibly making him shiver. His message hopefully delivered. He did not want anyone getting close to him.

"Kim Geonhak."

Geonhak knew from years of experience that the conversation would end here, it always did. He turned to continue his work.

"Your hands are so cold."

Geonhak's eyes widened. He had passed his threshold, rendering him confused, not knowing how to respond.

So he didn't.

But Seoho remained persistent.

"Are you okay?"

Geonhak simply nodded his head, not making eye contact with him. He did not want him to enter, to get to know him. He was afraid.

"O-okay," Seoho stuttered, turning back to his laptop to begin the new chapter of his life over there.

Geonhak sighed in relief. He had managed to hold his guard against the intruder and by the time the day ended he would gradually move away. Exactly what he wanted.


Seoho was different from the others. Geonhak sensed it the moment he spoke to him. He intrigued him.

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