trampoline || w. hadaddin (request - @daddydraco0)

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thanks so much for requesting! <3
Walking into Will's room, I went straight for his closet without a glance at him. He cocked his eyebrow at Crawford, who had followed me and was now leaning in the doorway.

"Sure, please help yourself," Will said, turning his eyes to me and giving me an amused smile. He sat on the edge of his bed and watched me for a few minutes before speaking again. "Can I help you with something?"

"Where's your onesie?" He frowned and gave both Crawford and I a questioning glance. "You know, the
one you wore in the trampoline video?"

"Seeing as I only own one onesie I know what you're talking about. Why do you want it?" I side-stepped so he could start looking through the closet himself and snatched it excitedly from him when he found it, leaving Crawford to explain so I could change in the bathroom.

"I asked her to be in my video and she said she wanted something more comfortable to wear," I heard Crawford begin, but he was cut off by Will's immediate shouts of protest.

I rolled my eyes towards the bathroom door where Will was now banging his hand and yelling at me instead. "I told you not to tell him until absolutely necessary Crawf!"

"Alex, are you crazy? Just because Crawford asked you to doesn't mean you have to say yes."

"I'm not doing it because he asked, I'm doing it because I want to." I opened the door, Will's hand raised in mid knock, and walked past him back into his room. "And no, I'm not crazy. This is going to be fun!"

"No you are crazy. Crazy people volunteer to jump on a trampoline for hours when it is a thousand degrees outside." I told Crawford to finish setting up and I would meet him outside so I could talk to Will alone. "She won't be meeting you outside," Will grumbled as Crawford passed.

I put my hands on Will's shoulders and gave him a charming smile. "Just relax, okay? I'm not planning on killing myself to try to win or anything, I just want to have fun. Make his video entertaining." I looked over at myself in the mirror, striking a pose for Will. "Besides, I look cute!"

He smiled despite his annoyance towards me and reached behind me to pull the hood up. "Pretty cute. Cuter if you wouldn't be going outside to your certain death, but still pretty cute."

"Such a drama queen." I kissed his cheek on my way past him but he was close on my heels as I made my way outside. "Are you really going to hover around out here?"

"Of course, he has to play the protective boyfriend that is ready to sweep in and save you at a moments notice," Franny teased. I copied her stretches she was doing and waited for Crawford to round up the rest of the girls and start the video.

He explained the rules and I was eager to start jumping. Like most people on Earth, I loved trampolines and I couldn't wait to get started. However about five minutes in, the onesie was starting to get too hot.  I was glad I had chosen a sports bra today so I could unzip it halfway and tie the arms around my waist.

"Regretting your decision yet?" Will was smirking at me from his chair and I gave him a big smile, jumping with more excitement and shaking my head. "Be careful, you're going to wear yourself out early on."

I distracted myself by talking to Franny and Tara until we had to do our first challenge. I lost, of course, and the feeling of freedom I had by the lack of a shirt was taken away from me when I needed to wear a sweatshirt.

"How about now, is the regret setting in?" Will smirked at me and Crawford laughed at my annoyance. I rolled my eyes, keeping the smile on my face and shaking my head.

"Let's slowly watch that smile fade in about an hour," Crawford said. "Do you feel pressured to win because your boyfriend here is the champion of last video?"

I hadn't really thought about it, but I shrugged. "I'm more focused on that fact that he don't believe in me," I said, before giving a pointed look at Will.

"Of course I believe in you!" He smiled but I turned the opposite way from him on my trampoline, making Tara laugh.

An hour and a half later, our trampolines were still sinking in the ground despite Crawford's attempts at fixing them. The ground was wet from the rain the day prior and the heat wasn't helping at all with the problem. What also wasn't helping was the fact that I had a sweatshirt and now a weight that I had acquired from the last challenge. However there were only four other girls left and I felt like I maybe had a chance at winning.

"Your feet aren't coming up very high," Crawford reprimanded on his way past me.

I glared at him and gestured to the rest of the trampolines that were slowly making their way further into the ground. "If I jump too much my feet touch the ground and I have a weight that is hurting my hand. Why don't you try?"

Crawford frowned at Will who was watching the exchange with amusement. "Yeah, she gets grumpy when she's hot. But she can quit at any time, right? You're just doing this for fun?"

"Yeah and I'm still having fun," I grumbled and everyone laughed at the obvious lie.

Of course, my mood only worsened when I got another weight added to my other arm. I tried not to think about how hot I was and closed my eyes, thinking of ice and snow and anything cold.

"Can we get an interview, Alex? Feel like giving up yet?" I shook my head at Crawford with my eyes closed still closed and heard him say something snarky that Will laughed at.

Their laughs sounded more and more distant and my feet started to feel like lead blocks. I opened my eyes to see why, but I found myself on the ground with Will hovering above me and the rest of the people that were outside crowding around us.

"Guys, back up and give them space!" Crawford was helping Will pull the sweatshirt over my head and I tried to sit up, but Will pushed my shoulders back down.

"Just lay there for a minute okay? Are you hurt?" I shook my head but it did nothing to make the crease between Will's eyebrows to go away. "Can someone get water please?"

"No, I'm okay! Seriously I'm fine," I said, sitting up before Will could say anything. "I think I slipped off the trampoline or something but I'm fine."

Crawford held a bottle of water out to me, shaking his head. "No, I'm pretty sure you passed out. Are you sure you're okay?"

"You would think Crawford wouldn't have done this same video after this happened to Christian but nope, still does the stupid video," Will mumbled under his breath as he smoothed his hand over my head.

"Hey," I said, catching his hand between mine and squeezing. "I'm fine! And it wasn't like he forced me to do this, so don't blame him. I agreed to do it, remember?"

Will frowned at and shook his head. "Yeah, well you're never doing another video with him ever again. I don't care if it is just sitting and watching paint dry, he'll find a way to try and kill you."

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