Chapter 1

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Adrien, upon arriving home from New York, texted Kagami to say "Hey Kagami I have come home early did you want to hang out?"

"Sure, did you want to meet at Andre's and get an ice-cream or the park?"

Adrien thought about it and decided that the park was closer and he didn't want to share another ice-cream with Kagami.

"Park please, I am a little jet lagged but shouldn't sleep yet."

"See you there" Kagami wrote back.

Kagami was pleased that the first-person Adrien wanted to see was her, but she didn't know that New York had changed him.

Adrien, on his part, wondered why he was reluctant to see his girlfriend. There was nothing wrong about Kagami, she was beautiful, kind, caring and his father approved of her but somehow, she was just so ordinary... nothing made him want to protect her like he wanted to protect Marinette...

"Wait! What? Where did that thought come from? Marinette is just a friend... isn't she?"

He pondered that question as he headed to the park where Kagami was waiting for him.

"Adrien!" She called with a pleased to see you smile on her face.

"Hey Kagami!" He smiled back.

Kagami wrapped her arms around Adrien and reached up to kiss him, but Adrien found himself pulling back.

"Sorry Kagami, I don't feel like that," he said seeing her hurt expression flit across her face.

"It's ok, you said that you're tired," Kagami accepting his apology at face value, "So how was New York? Did you see Ladybug and Chat Noir?"

"It was interesting, I'd like to go again someday to see the friends we made there." He replied, in a disinterested voice, "I got to see Ladybug she was awesome as always." But he stayed silent about the troubles he went through with her.

Kagami started talking about what had happened while he was away, and  she mentioned, "It was strange that the akuma just went away even though Ladybug and Chat Noir weren't here. It's like it realised this and gave up."

Adrien zoned out as he started thinking about his trip to New York. 

He admired the way that Marinette went to his father and had convinced him to let Adrien go, despite her tendency to mix her words up, she still got up and went into battle against his father - the one person that everyone else seemed to katow to. 

Adrien thought about the flight over and how Marinette had requested to change seats after she fell on top of him Why did my body react to her when I do not feel anything when Kagami hugs and kisses me? Why can't I feel like this with Kagami? She is my girlfriend after all, shouldn't I be feeling something towards her? Oh, I better smile.  He smiled then, at Kagami, and nodded as if he was listening and went back to his troubled thoughts.

All Adrien could think about is Marinette and how amazing she was, he remembered her smile and frown, her smell and feel. He found himself wishing for that dance in the air again... why does the magical stuff always happen with Marinette... why does she affect me when my girlfriend doesn't? He wondered before glancing at his girlfriend and finding her looking at him expectantly.

"Ah sorry, " he apologised "I zoned out."

Kagami smiled sweetly and said "That's ok, I just asked if you wanted to go see how the repairs of Paris was going?"

Adrien found himself shaking his head, in denial of her request, "Sorry Kagami, I don't." He paused and decided that he didn't want to hurt Kagami more than he was already going to "Kagami. I don't know how to tell you this without hurting you, but I can't be your boyfriend anymore. New York made me realise that I honestly just see you as a friend. "

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