Chapter 2

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It was not long after this that Spiderman was transferred to Paris for a special newspaper assignment - photograph Ladybug and Chat Noir fighting an akuma.

This apparently had never been successful, as although the fights had been aired, they couldn't be used as still shots any still shots taken were deleted by the miraculous afterwards. It was like a strange magic stopped the still shots from happening when the fight was occuring. He had been given a second job by the Avengers to find out who they were in real life and recruit them.

So, Spiderman decided to patrol the city and look for the pair of super heroes.

Spiderman was going down a road that ended in a T intersection and swung around left onto the road Ladybug just happened to be going down and the pair collided with an "oofft" and crashed onto the nearby roof.

Marinette was the first to recover and looked at the person in surprise. She jumped up yo-yo swinging "Who are you?" She didn't sense an akuma, and all the other superheroes were in America, right?

Spiderman rubbing his head replied, "Easy there girl! I'm your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman visiting from America. Ok?"

Ladybug stopped swinging her yo-yo and asked cautiously, "You're Spiderman?"

"That's me!" he smiled through the mask.

"What are you doing here?" Ladybug asked curious as to why Spiderman was here, she had heard of him looking through the tabloids of New York City.

"I am here to see you and Chat Noir."


"I will tell you that together."

"Ah ok," Ladybug said "I have to go, don't follow me. It's important that our identities remain a secret."

Spiderman nodded, and watched the petite superhero go, honouring her request in doing so. He still needed to talk with her and Chat Noir about joining the Avengers, but did not want to put her offside by ignoring what she had said. He, somehow, got the impression that the answer would be 'No' because of the expose your identity to the group rule. Although there were no akuma's he did manage to catch a few crooks for the police.

Marinette collapsed onto her bed and instantly fell asleep.

Over the next week Ladybug ran into Spiderman quite a few times on her patrol, and ended up becoming good friends with the older, but still young man. She still had not resolved any of her issues in regards to Adrien, her kitty and Luka. If anything, she was more confused as Adrien had been particularly attentive to her since their return to Paris.

It was in this moment that Paris suffered another akuma attack. Spiderman and Ladybug were on the scene immediately. Cat Noir arrived a bit late as he was unable to get away from the photoshoot as soon as he would have liked to. He arrived only to find that Spiderman and Ladybug had it already sorted. They only needed him to use his cataclysm to free the akuma. He felt particularly useless and it didn't help that Ladybug praised Spiderman's helpful web trapping the akumatised victim making it easier to destroy the offending item with the akuma in it.

As usual Ladybug disappeared as soon as it was over and he didn't get to talk. Spiderman wasn't much better. Chat was left by himself wondering "Will I ever get to be with Ladybug or Marinette?" As he didn't seem to be making headway with either girl.

He detransformed in a place with no eyes and walked to the park. Where he was greeted with the sight of Luka kissing Marinette goodbye. Unbeknownst to him, Marinette was in the process of blowing off the date she and Luka had arranged. Marinette was a mess as she realised her kitty was in pain but couldn't do anything about it. Worrying about him put her in no mood to be with her actual boyfriend. As Adrien watched the pair, he realised that something was troubling Marinette, and he wanted to know what it was and help if he could.

"I think I will visit my princess tonight" he decided then, and visited her later.

Marinette was lying on her belly, reading a magazine on her bed, when she heard a tapping sound at her window.

"Coming!" she called, thinking that it was likely Chat Noir as it was something he often did, and got up to investigate. Upon finding him grinning through the window, she greeted him, "Hey, Chat, what a pleasant surprise. Come in, I'll get us supper." And Marinette disappeared for a moment to get a couple of apple turnovers and hot chocolate with marshmallows for them to share.

"Here you go Chat," she offered him the the drink and tray of goodies to eat from.

"Thanks Marinette," he answered ever so gratefully. Her food was always delicious, not like the strict vegan diet his father had him on.

"What brings you here tonight kitty?" Marinette pondered.

"Nothing special - I just wanted to see you Princess." He mildly flirted with her, but it was tinged with saddness so the flirt was missed by Marinette.

"Is everything ok kitty?" questioned Marinette, worried, as Chat appeared so sad.

"Not really no, but I don't know how I can change anything either." he replied, amazed at her intuitive question.

"Why's that kitty?"

"I don't know if I am a good enough partner for my lady anymore. I know my lady said that she didn't know how she could fight without me, but she and Spiderman seemed to work together better than me and her." Tears welled up in his eyes and started to fall down his face.

Marinette reached over and hugged him to her, feeling bad as she didn't think that her actions would affect Chat so much, "I am sure she prefers you to Spiderman. Besides which I am sure Spiderman isn't going to stay are Kitty."

Chat just buried his head in her neck "Thanks Marinette, It's not just that it's everything. Both Ladybug and the girl I like just seem so unattainable."

"You like someone other than Ladybug?" Marinette was surprised at hearing this. Chat had never mentioned it before to her or Ladybug.

"Well yes, I like you too." Chat admitted, to Marinette's astonishment.

"Awe, I like you too kitty," Marionette said affectionately, as she ruffled his hair, eliciting a purr out of him. "But I have a boyfriend already."

"I know," said the cat looking ever so sad and dejected, like all hope had been taken out of him.

Marinette seeing his expression, did the only thing she could and, that was hug him not realising that this confused the poor boy even more.

"I-I better go, thanks Marinette." he stuttered his goodbye.

"You're welcome Kitty," Marinette said and kissed his cheek goodbye.

The kitty blushed at her friendly action,  held his hand to the area she kissed, before turning and disappearing into the night.

A/N Please vote if you enjoyed this chapter. 

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