Chapter 16*small lemon warning *

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Marinette woke later than usual. This time she woke to Adrien running his hand down her arm and along the side of her body stopping at her hip. She was facing him so when she opened her eyes she woke to looking into his big green eyes.

"Morning Marinette," Adrien said as he leaned into kiss her.

"Morning Adrien," Marinette replied feeling for her sports bra. It was still on, phew.

"Do you know what you do to me?" He asked her.

"No, what?" She asked innocently.

Adrien's eyes darken with desire barely contained. "Would you do something for me?"

Marinette nodded.

"Touch me" he said.

"But I am" Marinette said, and to be fair she was. Her arm was around his waist.

"I don't mean like that," he replied, "I mean like this," guiding her hand to his groin. Marinette's eyes opened in wonder as she explored his length. Adrien sighed in ecstasy, looking forward to when they were married.

"Like this?" Marinette asked worried, she had never done this before so she had no idea on what she was doing, "am I doing this right?" she fretted.

"You're doing it purrrfectly Princess," he said simply enjoying her awkward, hesitant touches, and in doing so he was getting closer to a much needed release.

"What's this sticky stuff?" Marinette asked, curious as to what it was.

"Pre cum," Adrien smiled into her eyes and kissed her, "It's natural, same as when I cum. I think that is enough for now, thanks Marinette." Although he really wanted her to continue, so he could cum, he thought it would be a bit much being her first experience with a boys body and all.

Marinette withdrew her hand and saw Adrien's eyes show that he missed her touching him. "Next time," she thought, realising he had stopped short for her sake, "Next time I will help him cum, whatever that entails. I really want to please him." Not realising that whatever she did for him pleased him.

"We better get up or we will be late," said Adrien getting up to go get dressed. Upon seeing his tent in his sleeping boxers, Marinette realised why Adrien looked bigger down there at different times and she blushed at the thought, as she too got ready for school.

"Shall we choose our furniture this afternoon?" Asked Adrien, as they walked to school.

Marinette nodded as it was probably the only time they would get until Friday. Tomorrow was out as Adrien had fencing practice.

As they arrived on time, they were unable to talk to Alya and Nino until lunchtime.

"Hey guys!" Marinette greeted at lunchtime, as she sat next to Adrien on the bench, linking her arm through his. Adrien smiled with affection at her.

"Hey Marinette and Adrien!" Alya said.

"Sup Dude and Dudette!" Nino greeted.

"We have something we want to ask you," started Marinette and then she turned red as a tomato and buried her face into Adrien's neck, unable to complete the sentence.

"Well," said Alya going by Marinette's embarrassment factor, "If its about if we have had sex yet, we have not." 

Nino was sipping on his juice box when Alya came out with that, and this caused Nino to choke and splutter in horror, "Alya!"

"What?" She asked innocently, not at all disturbed by the conversation.

Nino just shook his head.

"Well, no, that wasn't what we were going to ask. But since we are on that track," Adrien spoke "Are you sleeping together?"

"Yes, my man, that... I can confirm that." Nino said, suddenly proud of the situation, "We are also engaged, but we didn't want to steal your thunder...I kind of asked Alya just after you proposed to Marinette. Sorry Dude."

"Its ok, congratulations by the way. Anyway, what we were asking was would you guys live with us in my house?" Adrien asked smoothly.

"It's more a mansion than a house," Marinette piped up, sitting back up to look at her friends excitedly, "but, yes, we would love it if you moved in with us."

"We need to talk about it with each other," Alya said, reluctant to say yes straight away, but seeing the pair's disappointed look offered some encouragement, "but it sounds great!"

"You guys could have the upper floor, if we fix our floor up a little." Said Marinette, taking Alya's encouragement as a 'yes' and dreaming of a duel family household.

"Woah Dudette! We haven't said yes yet!" Nino exclaimed, horrified at the pace the pair were going.

Adrien being a good partner, agreed with Marinette and said, "You will want to when you see the house. Marinette's right in that."

"Can we have a look at it before we decide?" Asked Alya, "Its a big thing moving out you know, I don't think either of us were thinking quite that far ahead yet."

"It kind of got thrown on me," said Adrien, "My father said Happy Birthday son, here's your house move out."

"That's harsh dude!" Exclaimed Nino, "But on the upside how many kids have their own home at 18?"

"Not many," replied Adrien. "Anyway, Marinette and I are going furniture shopping today, if you would like to come?"

"Nah, thanks though," they declined feeling pressured into accepting but not really wanting to accept yet.

Adrien hugged Marinette, kissing her cheek, before looking into her eyes "Looks like it's just you and I, babe!"

Marinette nodded, kind of dreading going shopping. "What sort of things should we get?" She asked.

"Well, let's do up a list." Suggested Adrien pulling out his phone to write the list down in memos.

"Have you got anything at all?" Asked Alya suddenly invested in the conversation, her hazel brown eyes sparkling with interest.

"Not really, a bed, fridge and washing machine." replied Adrien, thinking about what they did have.

"Well, you will need a table and chairs to eat and sit at, a lounge, a TV cabinet and TV. Cooking utensils, dining utensils at least," Alya said practically, listing off things in rapid succession.

"A second bed and linen for them," said Marinette, "and maybe a third."

"A piano for me," said Adrien, cutting off any objections to the bed in saying so, "If I don't get one and practise I'll be dragged home my tail between my legs and I don't want that. Probably some books for study on the shelves in the library wall."

"That's a lot of shopping to do!" Said Marinette "Hopefully Hawkmoth can't find anyone to akumatise while we shop."

"Agreed" Adrien said and kissed his fiance.

The rest of the day went in a blur for Marinette and Adrien. Adrien getting a set of keys cut for Marinette, Alya and Nino, but he kept the last two in case they didn't want to live with them. He would give them it if they agreed.

Adrien had the furniture, picked by Marinette and himself, being delivered and installed on Friday afternoon after school ready for Marinette's arrival on the Saturday. He was looking forward to being together in their own home. It was one step closer to what he wanted with Marinette.

Adrien knew that he would literally be springing marriage on Marinette on her birthday, but he hoped that she would want it for herself too by then. It was his only present he wanted to give her, but in case his dream ran afoul, he bought her a bike to be delivered on her birthday. Till then she would have to share with him on his bike, or be Ladybug. But that was still 1 month and 3 weeks away.

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