Dad & Son Bonding & Cats

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The idea for this chapter was given to me by: ladyinred98! Go give her some love!!
Also the picture above is a picture of a rainbow cake I bought.

(EDITED: 6/30/22)

Izuku sat in bed, Yawarakai giving him a check up. "All good! Also, guess what?" Izuku titled his head. "I found someone to take that collar off you!" Izuku's eyes lit up, face staying blank. "They are going  take awhile to get here but they are happy to help!"

Izuku nodded & gave the pinkette a hug. Hatō smiled. "I have to go." He patted Izuku on the head & left. Izuku looked at his papa & dad. He hopped off the bed. He poked Naomasa on the cheek. The man opened his eyes, blinking a few times.

He smiled at seeing Izuku. "Hey bud. Sleep well?" Izuku nodded. Naomasa smiled. "That's good." Izuku pointed to his stomach. Naomasa nodded, he carefully stood. He placed the blanket back on the sleeping Keigo.

Naomasa picked up Izuku & made his way out of the room. Not after leaving a note for Keigo, of course. Izuku had snuggled up to Naomasa. The brunette's heart might have melted because of it.

Izuku let out a small purr. Naomasa was amazing in Izuku's eyes. "D-dad?" Naomasa was trying to suppress a squeal. "Yeah bud?" Izuku fiddled with his fingers. "What's a cat?" Naomasa stopped dead in his tracks. "You don't know what a cat is?" Izuku shook his head.

"Yawa s-said they were c-cute." Naomasa smiled. "I will tell you all about cats." Izuku smiled. "R-really?" Naomasa nodded. He now debated getting the kid one. Not sure how Keigo would feel though. Oh well, anything for Izuku.

Naomasa walked down the hallway, holding Izuku, telling the boy all about cats. Izuku was having the time of his life. He really wanted a cat. They sounded so cool!

Izuku sat at the hospital cafeteria table. He was munching on some katsudon. Naomasa just had some water. Izuku was asking more questions on cats. Naomasa always gave an answer. "A-are they m-mean?" Naomasa tapped his chin. "Only when they feel scared or when they are around someone or something they don't like."

Izuku nodded. He was determined to be someone all cats like. Izuku only ate a quarter of his food before pushing the rest away. Naomasa frowned. "Too much?" Izuku nodded. The brunette scooped Izuku into his arms & made his way back to the room.

When they arrived Keigo was scrolling through his phone. "Hey, you two! Had fun?" Izuku jumped up next to Keigo. "C-can I have a c-cat?" Keigo froze then smiled. "Sure!" Izuku smiled. "Yay!"

Sorry it's so short. I'm not feeling the best.
Words: 461

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