Chapter 2

17 2 1

I felt a heart beat it was slow and steady , I felt something around my waist it was soft. Wanting to open my eyes, but couldn't cause I was really tired but had to go school still. I Hate Thursdays. Today was going to be rough, I had gym class which I'm failing by the way, English, History, Math, and Chemistry....

Feeling something moving, had taken me out my thoughts. I opened my Left eye and saw Logan sleeping like a little baby. It was cute, laughing to myself I reached and touch his hair, his soft black short hair with the tips dyed lite blue. His nose twitched, which meant he is waking up. His pale green eyes were the next thing I saw, they were beautiful well to me he didn't like his eyes but I told him many times that he was lucky even though my eye color were a better color (green with golden specks around the pupil) because people wished they had that kind of eye color.

"Good Morning Mr.!!"

"Good Morning Mrs.?"

I chuckled to myself he was so slow sometimes, my phone vibrated on the table and the flash went off.

"Oh, I got a text" I sounded excited for some reason.

'Good Morning Beautiful' It read

It was from Luke my handsome best friend who is also Logan's twin brother older by one minute. That was really funny one min.

Anyway I didn't reply, I got off Logan and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a shower. It's the first day of school and I didn't want to be late,

Going straight to my closet I took out the school uniform. Which was

A black or white shirt

Black pants (boys) and skirts (girls)

And any kind of shoes or sneakers

I had on a black school shirt with the black school skirt which was mid thigh length, so was my black socks

Putting my heels with the bow in the front, I went and put my hair into two low pig tails

Grabbed my purple sweater and book bag and left the house waiting for Logan outside. He came out a few minutes later. With the boys uniform a white shirt with a black sweatshirt and a black tie with some black skinny jeans and black sneakers.

"Nice Butt You Got There" I said laughing, our school didn't allow sagging pants so boys who had big butts had it showing through out the whole day in school.

"Shut up, at least mine us big, pancake" He replied back, psssh my butt is not even flat,  Its not to big not to small gosh. Anyway no more BUTTS lol.

I run up to him since he started walking already, and I tripped over a pebble,while falling Logan easily catches me. He is really fast for some reason, like always fast.

"Thank You,..."

"Yea Yea clumsy"

We started down the street, we saw Utah,Luke,Zanaa,and Taylor.

"HI GUYS!!"I screamed down the street running again but didn't fall. I hugged Luke first and kissed his cheek.

"Awww, you guys are so cute, you should go out with each other!!" Utah exclaimed with a big smile on her pretty little face, I gave her a big hug  and everyone else the same thing

We started walking towards school but stopping at a local store.

Bought a bunch if chips (Doritos,Pringles,lays)

Soda(Pepsi,coca cola,Ginger ale)

And more stuff, like we eat a lot, but never get fat.

Reaching school with bags with showed our I.D and went to our lockers and stuffed our book bags and snacks away going our separate ways...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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