Love troubles- Miguel

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My romance with Miguel had just began, but the problems it caused with my dad was another. My father was the Johnny Lawrence. He was also my sensei, and my boyfriends best friend.

Miguel had just moved in with his mom and his Grandma. My dad and I lived alone while my mom and my twin brother, Robby, lived together. Dad and I didn't like mom, Robby and mom didn't like dad.

We all just got into disagreements and I agreed with my father and Robby sided with our alcoholic of a mother. After that, Robby and I barely got along. And since my Dad taught us both karate when we were younger, we tend to handle our disputes by fighting.

My dad and I had a special connection. His friends all say I'm exactly like him when he was younger, and that makes me proud. My dad is the bestest friend I have in the whole world.

"Quiet!" My dad said shifting my attention back to our karate lesson. I was the first person in my row, and so was Miguel, Hawk, and Aisha. We all were the best on the team. And out of us, Miguel and I stood on top.

Since I had been doing Karate my whole life, I had a head start, and ever since my dad and I met Miguel, Miguel became so much, so fast. My dad said he had potencial, futher beyond the point where my dad made it. And my dad says I am the best in the girls divisoin and I can hold my own against the boys. If I was going against boys in a competetion, the winning score was always higher than the losing score. (Guys, yes girls can actually do this!! we are strong af, trust me, I wrestle and I have a higher winning streak than a losing one)

"Alright, that is enough karate for today." My dad sighed then bowed. I quickly turn to the person next to me, Miguel. My heart felt so happy and warm when I saw his face. We have been dating for about a week now, and were scared to tell my dad. So, we have been hanging out like normal, since we are best friends and nehiboors, it was not weird that we hung out. but we can't hold hands, hug, kiss or anything in front of Johnny all because Miguel is afraid our parents will be mad. Which, I guess I understand where hes coming from, but I think my dad would be happy for us.

"Hey, Miggy." I chriped trying to keep our cover on the low. "Hey," he blushed, "So, tonight I am thinking we watch iron eagle with your dad." He smiled while I started brusting out into laughter.

"You're just like him," I say jolting my eyes towards Johnny. "I was actually thinking we could go to the beach? Maybe spar?" I said trying to cover-up the fact it was supposed to be date night for Miguel and I.

"So, were going to the beach tonight to spar?" Hawk comes up smirking. "No, Hawk, were going to the beach to spar." I said pointing my fingers at Miguel and I.

"Spar. Right."Hawk says supoiulsly, then walks away to pick on Mitch, whos nickname happens to be Assface.

"Hey, Laura, don't worry about him."Miguel said and rolled his eyes. "But, that sounds amazing." Miguel beamed, I started smiling like crazy. Ugh, this boy just made me melt.

"Why are you so smilely? That's not like you."Johnny said apporaching us.

"The only reason that I don't normally smile is because I'm just like you." I turned my head giving Miguel a look to leave us alone. "But, nothing really, Miguel and I were just talking."I breathed out. It sucked lying to my dad, it made every conversation awkward. It's like I couldn't even talk to my best friend.

He rolled his eyes, "You're exactly like me. Maybe too much." He joked. I laughed along. But, I wasn't finding anything funny, mainly because I hate lying to him.

"Dad?" I said before he turned into his office. "Whats up?" he questioned rasing his eyebrows as he turns his vision back to me.

"Can I hang out with Miguel and the guys tonight." Letting that sentece slips my mouth was hard, my breath was shakey. I'm praying he wouldn't realize I was lying.

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