Chapter 11 ~ Honor or The Village

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Marie laid in her bed quietly, a feeling in the pit of her stomach making it hard for her to sleep. "MIYAGI!" Marie visibly jumped, almost falling out of her bed at the volume of Sato's voice. "Miyagi, come out!" Marie opened her window slightly, peering outside to watch Sato and Chozen walk up to the dojo, looking for Mr Miyagi. "We fight now!"

Marie moved quickly, discarding her covers and walking out of her room through the hall. Daniel's door opened as well, making Marie jump before guestering for him to follow her. The pair moved through the house and into the backyard, opening the door quickly.

"What are you guys doing here?" Marie snapped, glaring at Sato.

"Oh look, is the baby and his girlfriend." Chozen taunted, not giving an answer. Suddenly, two figures appeared besides Daniel and Marie, grabbing them and pulling them forward. One of the men had a grip on both of Marie's wrist and a grip on Marie's hair, keeping her in her place as he pushed her forwards.

"Where Miyagi?" Sato asked, his voice gravelly.

"We don't know." Daniel admitted as Marie tried breaking away from the man holding her.

"Leave him message for me." Sato ordered Chozen, who smirked.

"With pleasure." Chozen replied. Sato walked away, leaving Chozen behind. Marie's heart began to drop in her chest as Chozen looked back at her and Daniel. "Come here. I want to show you something." The two men dragged Marie and Daniel forwards as Chozen walked into Mr Miyagi's dojo.

Marie watched, horrified, as Chozen took a spear and destroyed both a banner inside and a picture of a Miyagi ancestor. "Stop it!" Marie cried, but it was too late.

Chozen turned around, bringing the spear back out with him as he glared at Daniel. The man holding Daniel pushed him in front of Chozen, but he was able to stay steady. "Your sensei teach you how to fight with spear?"

"No." Daniel responded, shaking his head.

"Too bad. Maybe he teach you how to be coward." Chozen threw the spear to Daniel, who caught it in his hand.

"Daniel, don't!" Daniel thrusted the spear towards Chozen, who kicked it aside before landing a kick in his chest. "Stop!" Chozen then brought his elbow down on Daniel's back before snatching the spear from his hand.

"Stop!" Marie continued to try pulling herself away from the man holding her back, only to be pulled back by her hair, causing her to cry out. Chozen pulled Daniel up, holding the spears handle over his throat, holding it tight.

"Leave message!" Chozen demanded. The man behind Marie released her, causing her to turn quickly and land a solid punch across his jaw. The man cried out in anger before sending his fist under her jaw, knocking her right off the platform.

Marie landed on the rocky ground below, her head striking the pebbles and causing her ears to ring. The sound of pots shattering made her lift her head a bit, squinting as the room continued to spin.

"This your teacher's fault." Marie could hear Chozen as he spoke. "If he were man with honor,
you would live." Fear began to fill Marie, causing her to pull herself up, or attempt to. "But he's not."

"Enough!" Marie's head moved over to Me Miyagi, who stood in the doorway. "Uncle problem with Miyagi, not with boy."

"No, you have problem, old man, with me." Chozen snapped, still holding Daniel. Chozen shouted at his men, prompting them to attack Mr Miyagi.

Marie couldn't follow along with what was happening, her head still spinning as she looked around. Her head was pounding in pain and her jaw ached from the blow it had suffered. Nonetheless, Marie was still able to watch as the men around her for their asses kicked by Mr Miyagi.

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