Chapter 12 ~ The Storm

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Marie stood alone inside the abandoned fishing, practicing a steady form technique. She desperately needed to get her mind off the fact that in a few short hours, someone was going to die, and that it could very well be Mr Miyagi.

Marie was unsure if she'd be able to handle the loss of her teacher, someone who had been a father to her ever since she'd lost her own. She kept her eyes shut, trying to block out any thoughts besides the technique.

Footsteps echoed behind her, causing her to stay in her technique, but open her eyes. Daniel stood in the doorway, watching as she stared back at him. After a few moments, she continued to move, keeping her gaze ahead as Daniel walked inside.

"This spot taken?" Marie raised an eyebrow at his joke, a slight smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Sorry, bad joke. What are you doing?"

"Kata." Marie replied softly, closing her eyes again. She moved once again, situating her leg forward with both arms out.

"Can I join?"

"Sure." Marie opened her eyes as Daniel copied the stance besides her, following her movements as she moved once again.

Marie swept her leg back, and Daniel copied her movement, their heels landing right beside each other. Neither moved to fix the mistake, both continuing to move to the next stance, facing back to back.

The pair spun around, their faces inches apart. Marie could feel Daniel's breath on her cheek, but she didn't make a move.

Neither did Daniel.

Their eyes met once again, but this time there was nothing in the way to interrupt them. Daniel leaned in first, queuing Marie in that she should as well.

The pair moved closer and closer, before their lips met, Daniel's hand moving to cup Marie's cheek. Marie smiled into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Daniel's neck, pulling his closer.

Suddenly, the candle above them swung back and blew out, making Marie jump as she pulled away from Daniel. In the distance, dark clouds loomed in the sky, making her eyes widen. "We need to go." Marie spoke quickly, grabbing Daniel's hand.

"What? What's wrong?" Daniel asked as Marie hurried from the fishing rig.

"There's a storm coming. We aren't safe here." Marie replied quickly.

"Where are we going?" Daniel asked.

"Back to the village." Marie shouted over the increasing wind. The two ran back into the village, eventually meeting up with Mr Miyagi, Kumiko and Yukie filling into a bunker. The danger bell was ringing loudly, but practically unheard over the wind.

"Mr. Miyagi, wait up! Do you believe all this wind?
This is wild." Daniel shouted to Mr Miyagi as the three walked into the bunker.

"And it get wilder." Mr Miyagi shouted back, ushering everyone left inside. Seconds after he closed the door, the rain, thunder and lightning began. Marie and Daniel moved over the the opening in the front of the bunker, watching the rain and wind blow over a wooden structure, revealing a small family struggling through the rain.

"Are those people out there?" Marie exclaimed, already knowing the answer.

"Come. We go help." Marie moved to the door with Daniel and Mr Miyagi behind her. She opened the door, running out into the rain, soaked in seconds.

"Stay there!" She shouted to the family, being slowed down by the wind.

"We coming! Stay there!" Mr Miyagi shouted, him and Daniel catching up to Marie. The trio finally made it to the family, Marie grabbing the small boy and holding him tight in her arms.

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