The Day Bakugou Babysat

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"Why do I have to babysit?! It's my day off!" Bakugou screeches at Aizawa, his eyes narrowed.

"There's no one else to take care of her. And besides, I doubt you have anything planned."

Bakugou growls and is about to respond to his teacher's accusation when he feels a tug at the hem of his shirt. He glances down to see a small, grey haired girl looking back up at him.

"Please Bakugou? I promise I won't cause any trouble."

Bakugou's mouth falls open and he looks between Eri and Aizawa, who is looking far too snide to not have planned this.

The bastard.

"Ugh fine! I'll babysit the brat."

"Thank you Bakugou, I appreciate it. Now, I have to get going, be good Eri." Aizawa says, turning on his heel and walking towards the door.

"I will! Love you dad!"

Aizawa looks over his shoulder once more, "I love you too." Then he walks out the door, leaving Bakugou and Eri alone in the common room.

"So, what do you want to do, Unicorn?" Bakugou asks gruffly, looking down at Eri who has a pout on her lips.

"My name is Eri, not Unicorn!"

"Well you sure look like one. C'mon, I'm hungry, let's get some food."

Eri scampers behind Bakugou, following the teen into the kitchen.

"What're you going to make?" She asks, standing on her tiptoes to see what Bakugou is putting on the counter.

"We are going to make curry. The rest of the idiots will be back from the mall pretty soon and are too dumb to make their own dinner. I'm usually the one that cooks." Bakugou pulls out a pot from one of the cabinets, placing it down with a huff.

"That's sweet of you! But isn't curry spicy? I don't like spicy things."

"First of all I am NOT sweet! I just do it so I never owe anyone a favor. And second, we're gonna make you a version that isn't spicy. I'm not gonna torture you like that."

"Oh! Thank you!"

"You're welcome. Now grab the rice from over there." Bakugou points to a cabinet next to the fridge.


After gathering all the supplies, Bakugou instructs Eri to watch the rice as it cooks while he prepares the rest of the ingredients. Eri does so dutifully, stirring the grains every few minutes with a wooden spoon.

"How's it looking Unicorn?"

"Good I think! The water is almost gone though."

"That means it's almost done, let me taste it." Bakugou scoops a spoonful of rice from the pot and tries it, raising an eyebrow at the taste.

"It's not bad, shortie. Here, you try." He grabs another spoon and hands it to Eri.

The girl picks up a few grains and blows on them for a second before putting them in her mouth. Her eyes light up and she looks at Bakugou as she chews.

"It's so good!"

Bakugou laughs, patting her head. "Calm down, it's just rice. Wait until it's finished."

Eri smiles up at Bakugou, "I can't wait!"

~Time Skip~

An hour later, Bakugou and Eri stand proudly in front of three containers of curry. One without any spice for Eri, one with a lot for Bakugou, and the last with a mild amount for the rest of class 1-A.

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