Jungkook's Welcoming party

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Ring Ring Ring! " Hello, who is this?"

"Jeongguk it's your father, what do you mean who is this, and did you forget, today is The big day."

"I can finally dump everything on you."

"I'm sure your happy about that appa." Jungkook says before yawning. He gets out of bed walking towards his huge windows and opens them up to his wooded backyard. He stretches his arms , flexing the muscles on his broad back.

"I'll send the assistant to drop of your suit for the night, oh and have some fun after I'm gone it's okay to release stress my son." Jungkook laughed at his fathers sly comment.

"You know father, if eomma heard you say this she'd question why she ever asked you out in the first place, how does such a shy man say such things when he's never experienced anything with anyone besides his wife?" There is silence over the phone, jungkook burst into a fit of laughter.

"Hajima your mother is sleeping right beside me, all I'm saying is it doesn't look like your getting married anytime soon, even with the gala coming up, and we both know why, but you should open up to someone even if it's just a one night stand." Jungkook rolls his eyes thinking back to the girl he thought he would be with for the rest of his life.

"I understand father, and don't worry about me she doesn't matter to me anymore I've moved on."

"I hope so son, I hope so...well I'll see you at the party and don't be late." Beep!

Knock knock Knock! "Taehyung come out or I'm taking your door of the fucking hinges, you've been like this ever since we came back from Hyunjin's."

"Like you even give a shit, I don't want to be bothered by your dumb ass events."

"First of all Taehyung remember who your talking to and why you have a room of your own, I won't repeat myself you better be ready and that's a fucking order." Yoongi says angrily. Taehyung will never admit it but yoongi scares the shit out of him when he's serious.

"FINE," Taehyung yells but gently unlocks the door and comes out. "Lets go then and please Taehyung your a grown ass person, I love you but I shouldn't have to baby sit you, I honestly hate seeing snobby people look at you like a toy but you can handle yourself. Please don't focus on the negative and actually try to have fun and socialize, don't you thing mom leaving us was traumatizing for me as well?" "For once Taehyung have some dignity, I don't wanna rain on your parade before a party but seriously, when have you ever though about if I've eaten or stressed or mentally fucking drained. It didn't just affect you okay." Yoongi says with tears in his eyes. "now please lets go."

At The Party:

There was laughter, there was lights and balloons. Champagne and cuisine littered the tables. Dresses and suits walking around trying to spot the New CEO. There was the News crew right outside trying to get the newest take, all layed out for the one and only, Jeon Jungkook. The star of the show at the moment was Mr. Jeon, Jungkook's father, he had obliged to a farewell party so he was saying his goodbye's now and enjoying his time with the people he had flourished with in his business, now handing it down to his son.

"Hey yoongi, over here." Called a familiar voice. Yoongi looked over and saw Minho and Hyunjin with Felix and Han at the refreshments table. He made his way over with Tae trailing behind him. "hey guys, sorry were a little late how's everything going?"

"Well the soon to be CEO isn't here yet but pretty soon I'll have to go to the back and make sure he's prepared." says Felix. We also have to be back stage," Told hyunjin. "We do this in support of the CEO to make him feel welcomed but I heard he's no joke, just as charming as his father with all the same qualities times two." Felix says while tucking a strand of loose hair behind his ear.

Well enough chit chatting with you guys, I'm going for the food." Han said as he pulls Tae along with him. As they get their food they go to a table reserved for them and start to dig in.

"Oh my god is that you Tae?" Taehyung looks up and spots Bogum coming over with a women on his arm. He stood up and hugged Bogum tight. "I've missed you so much I haven't seen you in decades." Tae overexaggerates with tears in his eyes. "it's like you never aged." Bogum replies while he smiles down at Tae. "It's so good to see you, I'd like you to meet my Fiancé." Tae then turns his attention towards her, she was as beautiful as the sun. They exchanged formal greetings and the couple went along to greet others. Bogum had been Tae's bestfriend throughout his hardest times and he had loved him like a brother and only a brother.

Across the room Yoongi had been standing at the bar downing a glass of champagne, this would be a long night for him. Little did he now his one night stand would appear right in front of him. They locked eye contact and yoongi could see the panic in Jimin's eyes. Jimin had quickly tried to scurry away but before he could get to far Yoongi had pulled him close. "What are you doing here?" Yoongi said in bewilderment. 

"What do you think I'm doing spying on you, let me go you prick." Jimin had quicky pulled away and ran to the bathroom. Yoongi shook his head in disbelief and decided to socialize, after all he would need to rely on these people.

 "Thanks for not introducing me." Han says while rolling his eyes. "Oh shut it, you were to busy stuffing your face." Tae says while sitting back down. As if on que the music stopped. "Hello ladies and gentlemen, today you have all been invited for the special welcoming of Jeon Jungkook, the new CEO." He has achieved many obstacle and made the impossible possible."

"What a cliché saying." Tae mutters.

"If you would like to know more about him feel free to read the brochures, but now I'll introduce you to Jeon Jungkook."

Tae's POV:

When I saw him it was like the world had stopped for a second, I new this man and I couldn't figure out how. I read the brochure and their was nothing short of him, it actually didn't do him any justice. His speech was so well collected, almost like he was being welcomed as the president, but he didn't make it a lecture.

"Now I'm sure you all are famished and ready to dance, so I'll leave you to it." Everyone stood and applauded, my legs pushed me up from beneath and my hands started to clap. In all honesty I hated this, every bit of it, and maybe my brothers right. Maybe I am selfish, I can't move forward and I can't stand this fucking party. Everyone's to nice and to prissy and polished but I'm not this and I'll never be. No matter If I like it or not I don't have a choice.

"Earth to Tae, what's going on?" I realize that everyone had sat down and I had spaced out. My brother and friends now seated at the table. "Hey guys did you know Han and Jungkook are cousins? asked Minho while Han looks at him in shock, while cake falls out of his mouth.

"Babe why would you do that?"

"They were going to find out sooner or later."

I zoned out of the conversation picking at my plate, the name Jungkook at that tip of my tongue not leaving my mind. I know him from somewhere.

As the night went on my mind became hazy, I had my first two glasses of champagne. Although they tasted disgusting if gave me some sort of rush. Next thing I know I'm in bed stuffing my face with popcorn at home...alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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