It's your fault

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(This is a early update)

Rain was pouring on that day

Rain was pouring in the winter

A winter's song

(A/N: lemme go cry over given rn, *starts blasting Fuyu No Hanashi*)

It was odd but it fit

They were all there


August 28th

No one had decided to check on (Y/n)

They just thought, she was also getting ready like everyone else

It's funny how a body takes a while to smell

They just thought it was normal

Then the sun started setting

August 28th

Everyone were going to the church

Family, friends and some pro heroes

(Y/n) was taking a while

So someone when to go check up on them

The thing is they were never prepared

They were never gonna unsee it

Something that will haunt them for the rest if their lives

Shoto Todoroki


aw his twin, hanging

They hung themselves

He was terrified

He noticed letters and the songs

He grabbed them and marched his way to the church

He told the hotel staff about the situation with (Y/n)

They said they were gonna call the authorities

When Shoto got there the wedding was almost finished

When Shoto opened the door without (Y/n) some people started questioning

He marched down the aisle with an angry and sad face

When he got to Bakugou

He punched him

Everyone was surprised

They started asking


No one knew why, until he spoke

"This is your fault"

After a while of him saying thing to Bakugou he spoke again

"She's dead because of you"


That was something that no one was expecting

They tought she was fine

And she committed suicide was unbelievable to them

"It's your fault"

Bakugou was shocked, he didn't know what to say

Then Shoto spoke again

"I will never forgive you, because of you I lost my sister"

He then left

Uraraka then spoke

"Katsuki, I have something to confess'

'I'm pregnant"

It shocked everyone, even Bakugou

"But it's not yours, it's Deku's child, I'm sorry"

He was shocked to find out his fiance was cheating on him with Deku

And that his ex-lover was dead

August 28th

On the news, it appeared to everyone that a Pro Hero was dead

'The winter hero: [Pro Hero Name], and daughter of Endeavor was found dead, the death seemed to be by hanging'

Everyone was watching the news

Her fans were crying, her family were grieving

Rei wasn't taking it well, and her mental health was not gonna be okay

Natsup wasn't doing fine he was watching the news with Fuyumi

Fuyumi was also close to her, but wasn't as closed as Shoto

Shoto was grieving and became more quiet than before

Dabi he found out and went out for some drinks after that ... let's say some people turned to burnt food

And Enji also know as Endeavor, he changed, he wanted to start to be a better father and he was grieving just like with Touya but this time he knows his child isn't coming back

'She might of saved many lives but we couldn't save her'

'We currently don't know if there is going to be a funeral or not'

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