History repeats itself

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It was the end of the school day, I had to decline Kiba and Sakura on plans as I had detention because of Sasuke Uchiha (again). I was beginning to believe this was all part of his evil plan to get us alone together.

He even got me to let him tutor me.

It all seemed like déjà vu as we took the same seats in the empty classroom with a snoring teacher who fell asleep on his desk. I was revising my notes for history class when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I took it out and to see it was a text from Itachi.

Itachi - "I'm otw to the supermarket. See you in a bit!"

Crap! I totally forgot I was supposed to meet Itachi at our nearby supermarket to get groceries together for dinner tonight. Without another second to waste, I quickly replied to him not wanting him to wait for me since I was in detention.

Naruto - "Sorry ;—; I forgot to tell you I'll be late. Go on home first, I'll buy it later when I'm done with school!"

Itachi - "I see, no worries."

I smacked myself on my forehead, feeling foolish for not remembering to inform him earlier, he must have been disappointed. Itachi is such a nice and gentle man, unlike..

I glanced over to the little devil of a brother who could have very well tricked me into being here with him!

He was already staring at me when our eyes met. "What?" He asked with a slight devious smile.
"Stop looking at me, I'm studying!"
"For which subject? I can tutor you now." He leaned over to me, peeking into my notes to find out what I've been reading.

His face was very close to mine as he looked up from my notebook. He made me retreat myself instinctively, it was too dangerous being this close to him!
"Oh, look. A pink bird." He pointed outside the window and diverted his eyes over. I arched my brow in confusion, turning around to look behind me.

I scanned the sky and trees outside the window but there wasn't any to be seen.

"Are you still drunk, Sas-" I turned back to him and he kissed me on my lips.
I have been tricked! Again!

I suddenly remembered my prank and how he used it to steal a kiss from me the first time we had detention together. Back when it was only a game..

At first I wanted to pull away, knowing that I have been pranked. But he gently pulled me in with each loving and tender kiss.
He placed his arm on the chair and leaned in further to kiss me. His other hand holding the back of my head and caressing through my hair. This kiss felt different from the previous kisses we had, it wasn't rushed and it wasn't forceful.

It felt like desire and passion slowly ignited us as we exchanged even stronger embraces.

Eventually, I withdrew myself from him, I had to catch my breath. I couldn't keep up with him. My heart was pounding out of my chest and not only my face, but my body was heating up as well.

He was a good kisser, no doubt about that. I wondered how many more people did he kiss like this? He was too experienced, and even though I had my fair share of kisses, none of them could make me feel like this.

He lightly panted as he continued looking at me and glancing down onto my lips as if he wanted more. But he was holding himself back, uncertainty written on his face.

He smirked, teasing me. "You're the pink bird now."
At first, I didn't get it. But when I did, my face grew even more warm and I was sure as hell my cheeks were not pink but turned red now.

I covered his eyes with my hand, "I told you, stop looking at me!"
He grabbed my hand softly and pulled it down to his lips where he pecked my palm.
"I can't. I can't take my eyes off you. You're too beautiful."

My eyes widen and I froze in shock. How could he say such things so casually?!
I was going to have a heart attack, he's just torturing me at this point!

I pulled my hand away from him quickly and continued looking through my notes. "Don't.. say these kinds of things so suddenly."

"Why not? I'm just speaking my mind."
He answered calmly.
Why is it so easy for him to speak so straightforwardly to me?
I feel like I'm the only one losing my mind here.
It's unfair. He's driving me crazy.

The remaining minutes of our two hours long detention finally came to an end. While we made our way out of class, Sasuke followed closely behind me. "Want to go on a date?" He offered, with his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

"No! Besides, I already have plans." I stuck my tongue out as in we exited the school grounds and walking to the outdoor carpark.
"With who?" The younger Uchiha sped up to walk alongside with me as his curious eyes met mine.

"Hey Naruto." A voice called out to me from a familiar luxury car. He wind down the window to reveal the older Uchiha awaiting for me outside of my school gates.

Sasuke frowned as he realised it was his brother whom I had plans with.
"The school was so quiet, I thought you already left." My senior smiled at me, opening the passenger's door for me.

"Oh no, did you wait long? ..I-I'll see you later, Sasuke!" I waved goodbye to the younger Uchiha, quickly hopping into the front seat of the car.
As I closed the door, I heard the door of the backseat slammed shut as well.

"Thanks for the ride, brother." Sasuke stated, nonchalantly and shamelessly letting himself into the car even though he has his own ride.

I could almost hear a light sigh escaping from Itachi's lips. "We're just going to get groceries for tonight's dinner. You should go home, you'll be bored out of your mind."

"I'll be out of my mind, one way or another." He replied agitatedly as he glared at the two of us in sitting the front.

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