"𝙞 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙨𝙤𝙣."

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Emily was sleeping peacefully on her bed dreaming about whatever teenagers dream about now days before her mum came into her room and opened the curtains, the light came blasting through the windows which managed to wake Emily up.
"Mum, it's like 4am." Emily yawned.
"Missy is downstairs and it's 8am." Her mum said.
Emily rolled out of her bed before getting changed into her school uniform. Ackley Bridge College, the uniform was disgusting but atleast it wasn't brown.
"I'm coming Missy." Emily shouted downstairs.
"Hurry up Cory's waiting for me." Missy laughed.
Emily rolled her eyes at her daft cousin for actually thinking Cory liked her, it was the walking std.

"Right let's go."Emily said as she walked downstairs.
"Finally, I was getting bored of waiting." Missy said.
"Well I need a fag so hurry up." Emily laughed.

The pair walked down their road as they lived on the same street they pretty much hung out everyday , whether it was stealing fags, getting drunk on the skip at the end of the road with Nas or smoking some fags with the Wilson brothers.

"Here she is." Jordan shouted from down the road.
"You alright?" Emily said as she kissed his cheek.
"Eh boring cos you decided to get grounded."He said
"It's not my fault you got me caught." Emily laughed.
"Don't blame me." Jordan said as they walked on.

Jordan put his arm round Emily as they walked away from Missy and Cory flirting, well flirting, their tounges were technically down eachothers throat. Jordan's and Emily's relationship was complicated,last week they had a massive fight which led to a breakup, their relationship was on and of since last year september when they started year 10. Emily got out a fag and started to smoke one, Jordan looked at her with a shocked face in a sarcastic way, she looked at him and laughed.
"What do you want?" Emily laughed at him.
"Well give me one atleast." Jordan smiled.
"Fine take one but don't take them all."Ava laughed.

Jordan took a fag out of Emily's pack and lit it with his lighter, he put his arm back round Emily's shoulder as they came closer to the school gates. Mr Bell approached the couple probably for the fags.
"Again? You two are joking me. Bin them." He said.
"I bought them with my money." Emily argued back.
"You stole them Emily, now bin them." He said.
Emily took the fag out of Jordan's mouth and binned both of them, she thought she would've got away with keeping the pack but she was wrong.
"And the pack Emily." Mr Bell smiled at the two.
"For fuck sake." Emily rolled her eyes chucking them
"Take that language to isolation." Mr Bell said.

Jordan laughed at Emily as he walked her to the isolation room, as he was about to leave Emily pulled him into a heated makeout session, she played with his hair whilst he held her waist.

"Get a room you two huh?" Mrs Paracha said.
"Sorry mum." Emily laughed at Mrs Paracha.
"Oh Emily, how mum huh?" Mrs Paracha said.
"She's alright, can you cook me dinner." Emily said.
"Do this look like charity?Come round." She said.

Emily waved goodbye to her bestfriends mum before turning back to Jordan, she kissed his cheek before walking into the isolation room, suprise there was Cory Wilson staring right at her.

"Well well well, sister in law." Cory smiled.
"You'd be so lucky Cory." Emily laughed at him.
"You didn't actually throw them away did you."
"I'm Emily Smith, of course I didnt." Emily laughed.

Emily reached into her coat pocket and pulled out her backup pack of fags and handed one to Cory.

"This is why your my bestfriend."Cory smiled.
"I know, i'm just the best person." Emily laughed.
"I wouldn't say the best." Cory smiled at her.

Mr Bell came storming into the isolation room, his face was red with absolute rage and anger. He slammed books down on his desk before talking.

"You think it's cool to smoke?" Mr Bell said.
"I know it ain't cool."Emily laughed.
"Then why do it? Throw them away." Mr Bell said.

Emily ripped Cory's fag out of his mouth and chucked them into the bin. She smiled sarcastically at Mr Bell as she was walking out of isolation.

"Already in isolation?" Hayley Booth smiled.
"Oh my god Hayley!" Emily smiled as she ran to her.
"They let me come back home." Hayley smiled.
"Thank god! we all missed you." Emily smiled at her.

Hayley and Emily linked arms and walked to the canteen where year 11 was on their break. Razia Paracha who was Hayley's bestfriend came running over and gave her a huge hug and a smile.

"I'm gonna to find J." Emily said walking away.
"I'm already here." Jordan smiled at her.
"Oh my god Isolation was hilarious." She laughed.

Jordan looked at his girlfriend in awe as she ranted on about what happened in isolation, he smiled at her before taking her hands and leading her out the canteen, they went and sat on the stairs like they usually did at lunchtime.

"There's my two favourites." Missy smiled.
"Alright Missy." Jordan smiled at his friend.
"Wasnt talking to you idiot." Missy smiled at him.

Missy sat between them and put her arm round Emily and kissed her on the cheek smiling at J.

"Stealing your girlfriend." Missy smiled at him.
"Yeah alright."Jordan laughed at Missy and Emily.
"Right i've got to go see ya honeys." Missy smiled.

Emily waved goodbye to her cousin as she got up and linked arms with Jordan and started walking to their last lessons. They walked their in silence.

"You alright?" Emily asked Jordan.
"No i'm fucking not." Jordan shouted at her.
"What's wrong with you lately!" Emily shouted back.
"You! flirting with everybody!" Jordan shouted.

Emily was used to him accusing her of cheating. She let go of his arm and ran off in the other direction, she couldn't be asked for his bullshit.

"What have you done this time." Cory asked Jordan.
"Nothing, she just flirts with everyone."He said.
"Oh you need to take a joke." Cory laughed.

Jordan pushed past his brother and went in the same direction Emily ran off in, he knew exactly where she would be. He started walking to the tree at the back of the school and there she was,smoking.

"Oh your joking me." Jordan rolled his eyes.
"What do you want, you broke up with-" She said.

Jordan smashed his lips onto hers choking her slightly. This was the toxic love they had, it was hard to explain. Emily smiled into their makeout session whilst Jordan moved onto her neck.

"I'm sorry bubba." Jordan kissed her neck.

"𝙞 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙨𝙤𝙣."

authors note- hey guys! as you may have read i have another jordan book! this is quite the opposite as it's very messy and toxic as you can tell! let me know what you think :)

𝙞 𝙛𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙖𝙣Where stories live. Discover now