Chapter 8

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M/n is pissed off right now, he's currently surrounded by reporters, and what makes him even more annoyed is the reporter's random statement

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M/n is pissed off right now, he's currently surrounded by reporters, and what makes him even more annoyed is the reporter's random statement. "Wow kid, you're handsome!"

'Who the fuck you call kid, bitch. I will kill you-'

"Are you single?"

"What's your name??"

Before M/n slammed them down one by one, he was stopped by a sound. "Shut up, extras!!"

He turned his head to see Bakugo beside him, his posture bent slightly with a ferocious growl directed at the reporters.

As if not hearing Bakugo's growl, the reporters turned their questions towards Bakugo. "How does it feel to be taught by AllMight?"

"Eh, you are the kid who was involved in the mud monster case?!" Bakugo pulls out another great growl.

M/n sighed, he immediately turned towards the reporters as a grin began to appear on his handsome face.

'Turn off their sense of sight' 

Immediately the reporters looked panicked as they all could see nothing but darkness.

"M-my eyes! I can not see!"


"W-what the fuck is this?!"

Bakugo confusedly saw all of them who were panicking and running around the gate of U.A

"Oi oi-"

M/n immediately grabbed Bakugo's arm and walked into the gate of U.A.

"W-wait dumbass!!" Bakugo screamed angrily as he stopped his steps followed by M/n, M/n turned to Bakugo to see the hedgehog boy glaring at him.

"First, I don't need your help!"

"Second, what's wrong with them ?!" Bakugo looked at M/n suspiciously. "Nothing"

"Huh, you lied to me? They were screaming earlier cause they couldn't see-"Bakugo fell silent as he didn't hear the screams from the reporters anymore.

"Well, I think they're back to normal." M/n immediately turned around, put both hands in his trouser pockets, and left Bakugo.

"O-oi waits, Shit Face!!"

Bakugo ran after M/n. "What did that mean, huh? Are you doing it? Don't tell me you have any other Quirk besides teleporting?!"

"What the fuck?! O-oi answer me !! Why am I the one left behind?!! "


"Good job for battle practice yesterday

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"Good job for battle practice yesterday. Sensei has seen your grades and evacuation... Bakugo doesn't act like a kid anymore, don't waste your talent "

"Fine" answered Bakugo calmly.

Midoriya who was behind him shivered a little when his name was called Aizawa. "You broke your arm again, didn't you? If you always make excuses you can't control Quirk then you won't be able to survive in this school." Hearing Aizawa's words made Midoriya lowered his head.

"Sensei hates saying it over and over again but once you can control your Quirk, there are many things you will be able to do later"


"Then L/n"

Silence swept over them as Aizawa looked behind the students, seeing M/n looking at him with half-opened eyes.

The two of them stared at each other--more like glares.

Taki, who saw m/n and Aizawa's fierce gaze, frowned slightly as he pulled his hood down to cover his face. He wanted to watch yesterday's practice match-even though he would only focus on his master. But the man forbade him to watch somehow. There was no way he would go against his master's orders so he willingly complied with it.

Well even though in return he didn't know anything about yesterday's match practice.

The other students stared at m/n and Aizawa back and forth while sweating coldly, while for Lida, Megame was already itching to advise m/n that glaring at Aizawa-Sensei was very rude and Bla blah blah blah ...

"Please think about your actions next time-"

'-Don't want you to get hurt,' Aizawa continued in his mind.

Aizawa immediately took his eyes off m/n, as m/n just gave him a grin.


He was a little satisfied now that he now knew the quirks of m/n, from watching the previous battle practice video.

Aizawa continued talking about those who should elect the class president.

A few seconds later they immediately raised their hands.

"Choose me! Choose me!!"

"I want to be the president class!!"

"If chosen, I will make the rules for student girls' skirts to be 30 cm above the knee!!" The last comment from the small grape made M/n roll his eyes lazily, if there was no one in the class, M/n would have stabbed the small grape.

'I'm a flirt, but that doesn't mean I'm a man who only peeks into Girl's skirts-' M / n choked on his spit as he realized he was admitting himself to be a flirt.

Wait! Since when has he been flirty?

Todoroki who was in front of m/n immediately looked back. "Are you ok?" He asked.

M/n coughed a little. "Yeah don't worry"

Todoroki narrowed his eyes. "I'm not worried about you, I'm just asking" M/n rolled his eyes back.

"Whatever you say, Shoto"

"Y-you still remember me?"

M/n grinned, leaning forward slightly to whisper in Todoroki's ear. "How can I forget the boy who was so attached to me all those years ago?"

"I never forget who the person I helped"

M/n put his hand on Todoroki's shoulder, preventing the boy from standing up.

"I-I miss you"

"I know, we'll talk later. We're still in class" Todoroki only obeyed and gave a small nod, trying to stop himself from jumping into M/n's embrace.

 We're still in class" Todoroki only obeyed and gave a small nod, trying to stop himself from jumping into M/n's embrace

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