007 (🔞)

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"Uhm, I can do it myself Johnny, pleas-"

"No" Johnny interupted Ten insisting that he'll clean himself "It's okay, I have done this many times with Jaehyun" Johnny continued removing the blanket that's covering the other male. Ten is now naked and Johnny, his tutor, is the first one to see this materpiece. Ten looked away in shame same as Johnny because of the tower standing in front of them.

"I-I c-can exp-plain, p-please l-let me c-clean mys-self" Ten said stuterring not looking at Johnny who's in a worst situation right now, Johnny's dingdong is also you know standing.

"Y-you can g-go to the b-bathroom" Johnny stuterring because of the embarassment "I'm so sorry for insisting to clean you" he said, looking down because of failure.

"I can't stand, my head hurts" Ten said in a weak tone almost whispering.



"I can help you with that, if you want" Johnny said still not looking at Ten and Ten still not looking at Johnny widened his eyes to the suggestion the older has made.

"But Johnny I'm shy, let's just wait until it goes down, maybe ten minutes?" Ten replied.

Now Johnny faced Ten "Look at me, I'm shy too but I'm here to take care of you, please let me"

Ten looked at Johnny and blushed "O-okay, s-slowly, this is m-my first time"

"What? You're in the last year of college and you still haven't touched yourself?" Johnny said shocked.

"Yes" Ten then grabbed a pillow and hid his face with it "Please do it now"

By that, Johnny wrapped Ten in his hands and began stroking slowly.

"Aah~ don't stop" Ten moaned, music to Johnny's ears.

"I'm going faster now" Johnny warned, Ten revealed his face again and nodded, Johnny stroked faster making Ten a moaning mess. After a few minutes of stroking, Ten came and Johnny started cleaning him as promised. After that, Johnny stood up to bring the cleaning materials back to where it belong then Ten noticed something.

"Johnny, I think it's you turn to you know, that" Ten pointed the tent inside Johnny's sweat pants, and he gulped at the size.

"I'm taking care of it in the bathroom after I put clothes on you" Johnny replied then gave Ten a sweet smile, Ten nodded and when Johnny went out of the room he sighed in relief because he's bad at that kind of stuff, he's unexperienced.

Johnny got back in the room with some clothes, he placed it on the bed beside Ten.

"Put some clothes now, I'll just be in the bathroom" Johnny said, Ten nodded again for a yes, Johnny left and proceeded to the bathroom to take care of the big problem.

Ten tries to sit but he can't, he can earlier but he's exhausted because of what happened just a while ago. He just hopes that he won't be sick again tomorrow.




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