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Ten's POV

I woke up next to my BOYFRIEND, oh how nice it is to claim Johnny as my boyfriend, we've been officially together for a month, a lot happened.

Jaehyun, he opened up to us, sadly, he's currently at the hospital, he was hospitalized after he passed out last week and we found out that he has a disease, and the pain only worsens as his grand mother died because of her age.

Taeyong, he's always been there for us three, he serves as our principal, mother, and father as our parents are away. He helped Jaehyun in paying the hospital bills, Johnny and mine's family also helped.

Yuta and Sicheng? Long distance unofficial relationship, me and my mother are suppoting them, Sicheng would always call me to check on Yuta.

Johnny and I? We're happy together, and I swear, he got even wilder after that proposal, he would kiss me like every chance he get, and even lick my neck IN THE PUBLIC!

But I still love him, my big baby, Johnny.

"Oh, you're awake?" Johnny suddenly said with his morning voice.

"Yes babe, about 3 minutes ago? I guess" I answered and smiled at him playing with his hair.

"We have to pick up Jaehyun, he's going out of the hospital later, Taeyong hyung is busy" Johnny said and slowly stood up, Taeyong hyung also let Johnny call him hyung after the proposal.

"Oh yeah? Then let's get ready" I said, with slight excitement. I stood up and ran to the bathroom to take a bath.


Author's POV

Johnny, Ten, and Jaehyun are on their way to Taeyong's apartment, they'll wait for the older there for lunch.

"Are you feeling okay now Jaehyun?" Ten asked, looking at Jaehyun with a worried face.

"Yes Ten, thank you for asking" Jaehyun asked still with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"You have a lot of story to tell me bro" Johnny said, looking at the road because he's driving.

"Yes Johnny I know, I'll tell you everything when we got our bro time" Jaehyun said, and smiled, Ten saw it, and smiled at the two, admiring their closeness.


"Jaehyun!" Taeyong appeared, the three boys who were peacefully watching tv were startled by his voice.

"Babe!" Jaehyun stood up and ran towards Taeyong, they hugged tightly. Tears fell down on Taeyong's eyes.

"I-I missed y-you!" Taeyong said between his sobs, not breaking the hug.

"Don't cry, I missed you too" Jaehyun said woth a reassuring tone. Jaehyun was the one who broke the hug and looked at Taeyong with love "Thank you for helping me, I'll pay you back, I promise to give you everything" Jaehyun said and smashed his lips on Taeyong's, they kissed passionately with love and happiness.

"You hungry?" Johnny asked Ten.

"Let's go?" Ten said, Johnny nodded and pulled the younger out of the house.

They drove and eventually reached a restaurant.

"Waiter!" Johnny said as they sat down.

They ordered food, it only took 10 minutes for the food to be served. The two started eating.

"Johnny" Ten said.

"Yes babe?" Johnny answered, he looked at Ten, wiping his lips with a tissue.

"What are your plans after graduation?" Ten asked.

"Live with you and have kids, I'll be the one to work, while you take care of the kids and the house" Johnny anwered and smiled at his boyfriend.

"I'll agree to that, but I want a baby girl" Ten said, following with a cute smile.

"You're so cute, let's have both boy and girl" Johnny said, giggling and pinched Ten's nose.

"Aw!" Ten whined cutely "And we need to graduate to do that" Ten said.

"Oh! I still have a science project to finish!" Johnny panicked, making Ten laugh at him.

"My boyfriend is such a cute big baby" Ten said, giggling.

"Oh...let's see who's the baby later at night" Johnny said with his deep seducing voice amd smirked, making Ten gulp.



edit: the supposed to be JaeYong book is cancelled but I have come up of a new plot and story for JaeYong I'll update you soon!


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